Another Day (Part 20)

Start from the beginning

I decide that i have to change here theres no where else i can change!. I Unbuckle my dungarees so they dangle over my legs "No peeking!" i yell to him and he puts his hands on his eyes i take my shirt of and feel Niall staring at me undress , i grab top Chloe gave me and throw it over my head as quickly as possible, I turn to make sure he isnt peeking and he quickly moves his hands back to his eyes "Niall i said no peeiking!" "Sorry i just couldnt resist" he laughs . I Didnt think Niall was this type of boy but to be fair he does hang out with Tristan?. I pull the dungarees down and grab the shorts pulling them up my legs Niall again was still looking at me . 

i tye my hair up in a messy bun and go over to Nialls bed and pull back the covers hes just laying on top , I sit crossed legged "Lets have asleep over!" he says sarcasticly making me laugh, "Yeah Omg Niall let me paint your nails!" , "Hell nah!" and we laugh "Well i think i better go to sleep!" and yawn i'm so tired. "Oh ok" and we lay down , i turn to face the wall away from Niall and he does the same so we're back to back. "Night Niall!" i say under my breath not expecting him to hear me "Night Natilee have a good sleep!" he says back and wriggles around so that he's looking at the back of me i think its only right if i turn to face him too. 

He's closer than i thought he pulls the covers over our heads and we're inches apart smiling like idiots . What is he playing at? He has a girlfirend Emily!? And shes my bestfriend i cant do this!? . "Niall do you Love Emily!" my curiousity asks without letting my brain process the question , He's obviously surprised we are having such an intamet moment and i ask about her?. 

"Well , i'm to young to actually love some one?" "But you said you loved her?" "Yeah but she said she loved me , i dont think we mean it?" "Why? obviously you love her she's your girlfriend?" "Yeah i guess " "Oh ok" i sigh "So you dont mean it?" i ask "Well no but yes , I love her of course i do shes amazing but i dont Love love her i dont think she's the one?" He admits and i feel much better. So i just smile. 

"I could be the one!" i whisper under my breath hoping he doesnt hear and luckily he doesnt well i dont think he does?. "Well i think we should sleep now!" he says while yawning "Ok!" is all i mange to say i close my eyes and feel a cold hand touch my side my eyes shoot open down to where his hand is "Whats are you doing?" i ask "Oh sorry?" he says moving his hand away obviously not noticing he put it there , i stop him and grab his hand placing it back on my waist "Dont be" i smile and close my eyes again . Nialls bed is so warm!. 

I woke up to the smell of cooking eggs and Niall's hand still on my waist, he is half smiling so i think he's having a nice dream i push myself up onto my elbow and admire him and all his beautiful features , His eyes slowly open but instantly connect to mine we lay there staring into each others eyes no sound coming out of either of our mouths , "Moringing" i mange to speak and we both come back to reality. "Morining" his voice raspy "I think your mums made breakfast?" and smile "Yeah she's good like that!" , we both get up and go downstairs everyones already awake "Enjoy your sleep Nat?" his mother asked "Oh yes it was beautiful thank you for letting us stay!" i thank her. My mother brought me up well she told me to alway be polite and respect other people. 

"Oh your welcome dear!" and she puts a plate down infront of me and Niall and we dig in , Niall wolfs through his breakfast much quicker to me and all i can do is laugh at how much that boy can eat "Mum can i have another plate?" he asks "You need to go on a diet my boy!" she shouts and everyone laughs including me she hands him another plate "Last one!" she warns "Ok!" an he wolfs through that one too . i finish my first plate after him .

I went upstairs after breakfast and showered obviously asking before i did! , They have a really nicly decorated house?. After i shower i change back into my dungaree's and go back downstairs Chloe was talking Niall. i wonder what about?. I Walk over and they stop talking "What you talking about?" i ask "nothing" Niall says quickly . Oh ok?. Chloe looks at him and whacks his shoulder "Oww" he moans like a baby. "What Niall means is nothing interesting!" and she glares at him , Somthings going on and they arnt telling me!. 

"Niall cars all fixed buddy!" Greg calls to him "Oh thanks Greg!" he says and hugs him "No problem!" "Right come on the Nat lets get going!" , i hug Chloe and tell her i'll see her monday outside the coffee shop and she agree's to meet me , i say goodbye to the rest of Nialls family they are all so sweet And he does the same . I go and sit in his car while he says goodbye to Theo , He really loves that baby!. 

A/N: Just for the sake of it i attached a picture of Niall and Theo because i can and i think that they are completely adorable!

He came and joined me in his car and we drove off obviously listening to 5SOS on they way!. 

Nialls POV 

Yes! Everything worked out just like i imagined my family loved her just like i new they would no doubts though that they would like her who wouldnt?. She seemed to get on with everyone especially Chloe? Have i made a new friend ship probebly , Chloe told me something abit strange though she said that Nat fancys me ..... what no ofcourse she doesnt like what? Im not even her type , Chloes just saying it to have me on! she always does i dont belive her because if i do she will make it a bigger joke and never let me live it down!. 

Another day (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now