Chapter 1:Going to Plam Springs

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Sofia's P.O.V

I woke up to my alarm on my phone going off so like always to start my morning I grab'd what I needed to take a shower my clothes which was  floral crop top and white shorts,my body wash, and shampoo and conditioner then headed for the shower as I walked by I checked on Jordan my 5 year old daughter.~15 minutes later~

Now that I'm dressed I head to down stairs to make her favorite breakfast homemade pancakes with apple juice now that that's done I head up stairs to  Jordan's room to wake her up~Hey morning my little angleface its time to wake up we have a special day today rember~ as she turns around with that bright smile on her face and give's me my morning kisses she jumps up and ask "momma did you make me my favorite eckfest" Yes angle and it's breakfast silly goose than we both laugh come on lets go quick quick like a bunny as we go done stairs I get a call while Jordan is eating and watching her show max and ruby so of course I answer and its my dad he wanted to know what time Jordan and I were leaving and I said at 12:00 why than he said oh I just want to come see my girls before you leave I said okay see you in a few bye dad love you. Hey Jordan gusse who is coming to see us before we leave"who mommy" papa she hops and say I get to see my papa I get see my papa~20 minutes later~ oh Jordan who is at the door than I open it and I say look it's papa as he vist's he helps Jordan pack her clothes and shoes and all of the stuff she would need but while he does that I pack my stuff that I need my clothes,makeup,hair stuff and all of that and now I go to Jordans room with my stuff and say are you ready baby girl "yes mommy I cant wait to go please can we go" yes love lets go dad will you help me with her.

Dad's P.O.V

Yes lets get my girls off on the rode hey Jordan come here papa has to get you in the car seat and buckled up~2 minutes later~ okay papa loves you call me when you get there okay see you soon love you.... So Sofia you all set?

Sofia's  P.O.V

Ya thank you dad for everything well we have to get going but I love you call you when we get there bye dad. Jordan here now you can look like you momma with your sunglasses "oh momma I love you"i love you to angle face.

Jacob's anglefaceWhere stories live. Discover now