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I shut the door behind me, calling for my mum's name when I heard her answering.

"Over here sweetie, someone is looking for you" she said as I got intrigued.

I slowly walked towards the living room fixing my hair just in case. I see my mom sitting on the couch, smiling.

"Will!" I yelled jumping on him giving him a tight hug.

"Hello buttface" he said kissing my cheek followed by a kind smile.

"You didn't tell me you were in town" I said.

"I know, I wanted it to be a surprise, I came to stay with my aunt a couple of months"

"That sounds amazing! We got to catch up" I said laughing.

"Sure we do" he said laughing too.

Will has been my bestfriend for so long, he used to live with his aunt and we used to be classmates back in high school, then he applied for a university in Los Angeles so he moved out, he visited during summer but him coming in the middle of the semester it's a surprise for sure. Maybe he has some business in town, or maybe he just wanted to see his aunt. In any case Im glad he's here.

He left me on the ground and softly patted my back, I sat next to him on the couch as my mom left the room.

"So how's the uni?" he asked.

"Great, as always, no actually, there's this super cute guy—"

"Cute guy, I should've known" he interrupted laughing.

"Hey shut up, you know I never pay attention to that" I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"That's exactly why you're single moron" he said touching the tip of my nose with his finger, laughing.

"What? Of course not, Im... single because I want to" I said looking away, annoyed.

"Right, because you want to... hey you need to relax Anna, this part of your life won't ever come back, you need to enjoy it!" he said jumping on his feet, excited.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked lifting my sight, pressing my lips against eachother.

"It means, have fun, go to a party, get fucked up, have sex in a bathroom, that's what I mean" he said putting both hands on each arm of mine.

"Will, I don't really enjoy those things" I said unfolding my arms, with a smirk.

"But experiences form your personality Anna, if you don't experience things how do you know you don't like them?" he said sitting back on the couch, fixing his hair with his right hand.

"I... guess you might be right" I said giggling, leaning on the couch.

[A few hours later...]

I sat on the bed, taking my shoes off and leaning on my bed, looking at the roof.

Be cool. He's right.

As much as I hate to admit Will is right, I enjoy only the things I've experienced, I love going to concerts but that's because I've gone to them since I was little, maybe I do need to enjoy more, meet new people, make new friends, since highschool my only friends are from around here, but I don't really know anyone from the uni, I've never gone to a party from the campus nor any of their events. It's not that Im antisocial I just didn't feel like it but now, Im going to make an effort for sure.

I let out a sigh, taking my shirt and my jeans off, I walked to the closet looking for a pajama to wear, I slipped inside a nightdress and jumped on my bed rolling to the right side of it, leaning my head on the pillow.

Tomorrow's a new day. 


The alarm set off at 10:30am, I quickly stopped it and rubbed my nose against my pillow. Man I'm so sleepy. I lifted my body from the bed and dragged myself into the bathroom, took a quick shower and put a towel around me.

Say You Like Me (Grant Gustin / completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant