I ran away with a mad man in a box

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  You smashed your dollor bill into the vending machine for the 500th time. "F- it!" You shouted kicking the vending Machine. You just started sophomore year here. You hadn't eaten breakfast this morning so you were trying to buy a bag of chips, but the machine wouldn't comply. You remembered how to get a jackpot of snacks without paying. You went around into the crack between the wall and the money eater, found the wire and touched it to the power box. crawling out you kick the side open. Then it dropped half the snacks.
   "BOO-YAH! THAT'S WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT!!!!!!!!!" You shouted pumping the air. You opened your bag and shoved them inside.
You woke up at 3a.m. this morning just to figure out what to wear. It was the first day of your freshman year. You wore a curious blue colored shirt that was folded on the foot of your bed. On the front it read, "Travelinģ the stars wouldn't be hard with you by my side." Underneath was a curious picture of the galaxy but something was of about it. You couldn't put your finger on it. Quickly running out the door you bottoned the top of you're bootcut black jeans. Red converse still not tied. New schools were always so intimadating. People. Classes. Teachers. Always new but always the same.

You run to the bus stop just as the doors were closing.BANG.BANG.BANG. The bus driver looked over grumpily. The doors creek back open slowly. " Get in!" He shouts. You jump in and head straight for the very back seat.  A shiver goes down your spine.  Suddenly  you feel like your being watched, so you look around.

There is a blue telephone box on the corner near your house. ' Thats weird... I didn't think there were any left.' you thinkas you stumble down the aisle.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2017 ⏰

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