Chapter 16 - The beginning...

Start bij het begin

I’d rather be called something better then kingfish”. Ghost rushed to price and asked “who 

is the 1st horseman? Did you really end this war? And what is going on here?” price snapped at 

ghost as soon as he heard “1st horseman” “what are you talking about Simon!” snapped price 

“the 1st horseman has my pregnant wife and asks you to call him something better then 

kingfish”. price asks ghost “how did you know about this?” ghost hands price the package he 

received from the soldier earlier. Price sits down and asks ghost for some privacy. Ghost 

returns to his room and scans to note over and over to find nothing encoded inside it. After a 

while soap assembled the team to get ready for their missions. Ghost kitted up with roach and 

ran to the choppers. Sandman asks “where’s Lisa sir?” ghost grabs sandman’s throat and says 

“listen here fuck-face, that Russian bastard has her, now you do as I say and stay out of my 

way, got that?” ghost lets go and sandman replies “yes sir” roach asks ghost to calm down 

but ghost snaps back at roach. After about 2 hours of flying ghosts team land in a field 

about 3 miles away from Makarovs safe house. Ghost orders everyone to move up and head 

towards a mountain about 2 miles away. 2 hours later and ghost gets a radio call from an 

unknown call sign saying “I think you are far off my friend, out” ghost try’s to talk to this 

guy but not luck. After climbing the mountain ghost meets up with some snipers from the army. 

Ghost briefs them on what’s going to happen in the next hour or 2. Archer, the head of the 

snipers, radios ghost saying “ghost, snipers are in position over” ghost and his team head 

towards the safe house when they hit an open area. Ghost orders the team to spread out and 

keep low. Roach saw something and told ghost but before he could finish a bouncing Betty 

jumped out of the ground to about head height and exploded. The team dive to prone in time 

but not all made it. During the explosions enemy soldiers poured into the area and opened 

fire with RPGs, snipers and LMGs. Ghost shouts “ambush!” the team return fire and within 4 

minutes of the explosions, the team kill all the enemies. Ghost tells his team to move up 

and watch out for more Betty’s after walking some more the team encounter more Ghillies and 

LMG gunners in the tree line. The enemy deploys smoke. The team battle it out with the Russians 

and the next thing ghost hears is a mortar hitting the area, followed by far more. Ghost 

orders his team to counter attack into the smoke. After a while of shooting and winning 

the team arrive at the road leading to the safe house. Ghost can see to truck leaving the house 

and he starts shooting at them, with no luck at all. Archer radios ghost “firing javelin, 

danger close” ghost shouts to his team “Javelin, danger close! Get back from the road! 

Bloody hell, these trucks are bullet-proofed!” the team take cover as the trucks are destroyed 

by the missiles. Archer radios ghost with some news “Moving vehicles have been neutralized. Be 

advised, we have not, I repeat, we have not spotted Makarov, and no one else has left the 

house. Those trucks may have been decoys Over.” Ghost and the team spot 2 more trucks on the 

driveway and more tangos to kill. Ghost radios a reply to archer “Roger that, we're advancing 

on the house now!” after that ghost shouted to his team “Clear the perimeter! Breach and clear 

the safe house! Go! Go!” ghost takes position at the front door and waits till the team are 

ready at all doors before he give the command. With one command the team breach 4 doors at 

once. Ghost kills 5 in the living room and 2 in the office. Ghost finds lots of intel on 

everything he was on and everything the 141 has done. He remembers the note he got and he now 

knows he took Lisa himself. After breaching all the rooms ghost calls all his team back on him. 

Ghost opens a comms link “Shepherd, this is Ghost. No sign of Makarov, I repeat, no sign of 

Makarov. Captain Price, any luck in Afghanistan?” price replies “ least 

fifty hired guns here, but no sign of Makarov. Perhaps our Intel was off.” Ghost chuckles and 

give price some good news “Well, the quality of the Intel’s about to change. This safe house is 

a bloody goldmine.” Shepherd buts in and says “Copy that. Ghost, have your team collect 

everything you can for an operations playbook. Names, contacts, places, everything.” Ghost was 

already one step ahead of him. Shepherd adds “I'm bringing up the extraction force, E.T.A. 

five minutes. Get that Intel. Shepherd out.” After a while of tagging Makarovs Intel ghost 

says to his team “Makarov's men are going to do whatever it takes to keep us from leaving with 

this Intel. We need to protect the DSM until the transfer’s done. Use the weapons caches and 

set up your claymores if you've got any left. Defensive positions, let's go!” the team sound 

of they are ready. Ghost hears over the radio “good luck Mr riley, you will not get out of 

there as easly as you got in”

GHOST The story before the deathWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu