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Leafy and firey I'm the snow
A/N:Firey will not die in dis maybe
Leafy: firey is this Great being in the snow
Firey: yup it sure is
Pen: whare am I?
Leafy: ...uh what
Pen: yea whare am I?
Firey: in the snow?
Pen: I been know
Leafy: *FacePulm*
//Strong wind comes
Firey: Guys do you feel this?
Pen: what you mean?
Firey: the wind i-i Think is a
Pen: what?
Firey: bizzerd...

Part two next time :D

IDBF Characters Doing Things. Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ