Episode 36: Batman vs. Captain America

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"I'm impressed that a shield like that is really versatile, besides being primarily used for defense." Weiss said with a smirk.

"I so bet Jaune would love a shield like that." Blake also said.

Wiz: The combination of the two metals allows the shield to absorb and reflect practically all kinetic energy and, thus, ricochet off multiple targets with only minor loss in velocity.

"Woah. That's some nice aerodynamic design for such a shield." Weiss said in awe.

"So cool!" Ruby shouted.

Wiz: Captain America utilizes this in combination with his superhuman mind, to predict and calculate the shield's trajectory so that it always ends up back in hand, no matter how many targets it has struck.

"That's some impressive and nearly impossible accuracy!" Yang shouted.

Boomstick: Cap's shield can reflect anything from bullets to lasers, decapitate vampires, and stop a blow from Thor's hammer. And if you recall Mjolnir doesn't fuck around.

RWBY jaw dropped at Cap's shield taking a blow from Thor's hammer... without even a dent.

"Just how powerful are those two metals that shield is made from?!" Weiss shouted in disbelief.

"Jaune would SO want a shield like that!" Yang also said with a smirk.

"Indeed." The others said.

Boomstick: This giant frisbee of freedom is so cool, even Superman wants one.

They see Superman holding the shield and using it with skill.

"I can imagine how more badass and powerful Superman can be if he had a shield like that." Blake stated.

"Yep!" RWY all said.

They watch some woman (Peggy Carter) shoots the shield with a pistol... with Cap using it to shield himself. The bullets don't even dent it and end up dented and crumpled themselves.

Peggy: Yes. I think it works.

"You think?" RWBY all said while chuckling.

(Cues Captain America: The Winter Soldier - Lemurian Star)

Wiz: But it's not unstoppable.

"What?" RWBY all said curious and continued to listen.

Wiz: It's been damaged and even destroyed it's fair share of times over the years.

They see the shield torn to pieces in many different ways.

"Guess the shield ain't that invincible." Ruby said.

Wiz: But only by cosmic or reality warping powers.

"Oh. Well that's still an impressive shield that can take many hits since Remnant and likely most characters aren't that powerful." Blake stated.

Boomstick: Luckily, Mr. America doesn't rely only on his shield.

Survived being frozen in ice for 70 years (RWBY can't believe that)

Can run almost 50 mph / 80.5 kph

Caught a torpedo with his bare hands

Threw the Hulk off his feet

Jumps 20-30 feet high

Drops from airplanes at cruising altitude into water without a parachute no problem
Wiz: He's boxed Thor to a standstill, worthy enough to wield Mjolnir, and has even incapacitated the Hulk with his knowledge of pressure points.

epicvictory2025's RWBY watches Death BattleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora