A Christmas Tale

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The cold winter air felt like blades against her skin as she walked down the empty streets of her fathers home town. It was small and dull, sucking the life out of everything, yet somehow she kept her composure and happiness  in such a gray town.

The sharp wind blew one more time as she pulled out her phone at the soft sound of her phone vibrating in her pocket. She cursed at the wind as her fingers grew numb, but it was all for a good cause in her mind.

"Hey" The text read. It was from Kaden. A delicate smile spread across her red face as she replied.

"Hey, wanna chill?"

"Sure, where at>"

"Meet me at the grocerey store?"

"Sure. Be there in 5"

The girl was already at the store. It was the only one in this small town. That being so, the priced were phenominal. The only reason they haven't been shut down is because most people would rather pay a few extra rather than drive a half hour to the next town. The store was closed so she stood outside the doors, huddled in her hoodie where there was no snow.

"Hey." His voice flooded her ears and her memory, causing her to stiffen a little.

"Hi," The cold air cause her breath to become slightly visible as she spoke, cause a smoke like effect at which she smiled,"sha'll we walk?" 

"Yeah." He nodded eagerly as she stood slowly as the cold affected her ability to move correctly. She stumbled a few feet before he caught her,"You alright?"

"Mhm, just a little cold is all." She smiled as they walked going no where inparticular. She liked this, walking without a purpose, no place in mind, not worrying about anything at all. The cold was becoming unbearable but she ignored it because she wanted to stay like this for as long as possible, with him. She knew he liked someone, not her, which is why she cherished these moments with him more than anything in the world. She knew that he would never want her the way she wanted him so she continued to sit by, for years, and just be the way he wanted her as. A friend.

"Where are we going?" He finally spoke after 15 minutes of silence. We were headed down the old rail road track, although it was just a dirt path now in the middle of the woods. She remembered walking down this same path when she was younger to get things off of her mind, to sing and be herself as she never could be around others due to a fear of not being accepted. She would walk down this trail for hours a day and pick the raspberries from the thorny bushes and pick tiger lillies, twirling them between her fingers as she sung a sweet seronade for no one but the wind.

"A place where sadness is lost and everyone can be free." Is what she said in her head but instead smiled and said,"You'll see."

He looked at me, unsure but resigned realizing he wasn't going to get much from me this time. I was deep in though, lost in the past when the summer sun shone bright and friendly, warming up the small parts of the Earth the trees let see the light of the day.

She smiled at him reasuringly as they crossed a dirt path and back onto the trail. The trees hovered cooly, bits of snow falling from the growing weight of the falling flakes. One landed on he nose and she giggled trying to blow it off before it melted into a cool puddle, but she was too late.

Kaden laughed, smiling back as he wiped off the small pool that had formed on her nose from the water.

"There," He said softly, looking at her eyes, then lips before ruffling her hair and continuing to walk forward,"now, where are we off to?"

"Oh..." the girl blushed, resting her hand on her nose. She shook herself out of her daze quickly and said,"I'm not sure. It's an old trail I always used to walk... Just thought it was nice to walk down in winter and I was right." She smiled, watching his footsteps fill up with snow ahead of her.

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