Part 6

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After that ended my sister went out of the room casually like it was just a walk in the park. I immediately went to Chris and asked "Are you all right Chris? I'm truly sorry for what my sister has done to you."
Then Chris looked at me and said "I'm fine Brylle." As he said those words he looked pale white and his lips were dry.

I replied saying "No you're not I'm taking you to nurse's office right now to have you checked." We arrived at the nurse's office and so the nurse to us that Chris was dehydrated also lacked some sleep she advised him to take a rest in bed until he has slept properly.

So Chris lay down one of the beds while I try to make him to sleep. Chris then talked to me saying "Brylle you could leave me here already classes are already starting. I don't want you to be marked absent because of me."

As I heard the bell rung I followed Chris' advice and said "I will visit you at lunch just wait for me ok." Then I hurried up and left.

Lunch break started and I was going to the clinic when two of my seniors stoped me teasing because of my appearance. They trapped me into a corner and touched me in weird places. Then as I felt there was no hope in escaping a guy came pulled me out of the corner and told me to run.

It was Jun both of us ran away from those men while Jun was holding my hand. When he realized we are far away he stoped for a while and asked "Why are you alone in there where was Chris when you needed him."
I was about to reply but then he continued "I promise you I will never leave you alone just like that you're to to be anyone else's but mine and mine alone."

After I heard those words from Jun I shyly replied "Thank you for the concern Jun also I'm in a hurry I need to bring Chris his lunch in the clinic. So goodbye and as well thank you Jun."

After that I ran as Jun just saw me going away he said to himself "He is a luck guy to have someone like her to bring him lunch and as well as take care of him in his time of need. Indeed I was never wrong about the type of person he is." Then he walked straight to the cafeteria to buy himself something to eat.

I then arrived at the clinic and saw Chris there I then walked towards him and said "Chris I bought you some food from the cafeteria I thought you might be hungry you know." I gave the food I had to Chris rather than receiving Chris hugged me tight as if he knew something bad happened. He then replied "I appreciate it Brylle for coming all the way just to give me something to eat. By the way nothing bad happened to on your way here right?"

I was hesitant when I replied to him saying "Nothing happened yo shouldn't be worrying about me now that you're sick in bed." After lunch classes resumed and then my day ended just like that.     

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2017 ⏰

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