"We don't work but we also don't lay around." I chuckled.

There was a pause.

"We do need to get up in a few hours so we should get to bed," I said.

*4 hours later*

The guards came and opened all the cell doors, Kyra started to walk out but I grabbed her arm and pulled her back inside. She gave me a confused look.

"Look out there, what do you see?" I muttered.

She looked around and then back at me still confused.

"We are probably the only females here. That being said I need you to watch your back, I may not be around all the time" I said.

"I can handle myself if anything I'm more worried about you," she said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Cause you're so young, and there might be a lot of creeps in here," she said.

I smiled.

"Kyra, there are creeps in here but they don't bother me, I can hold my own," I said.

She gave me a questioning look but nodded her head. We walked to the cafeteria.

"So we get our meal then straight to a seat, no detours. Once you get your food follow me to my table." I explained.

I walked into the line to pick up my tray and by the time I looked back to see if she had gotten hers, I saw a guy cornering her into a wall. I left her alone to go get my breakfast. I watched from afar. He was trying to stroke her hair but she kept swatting him. He grabbed both her hands and pinned them to the wall behind her. I started walking towards them. She kicked him in the nuts but it didn't do much other than make him angry. When I was right behind I hit him with my metal tray in the head. It rattled him and he turned around pissed. When he saw me though he went quiet and a hint of fear showed on his face. I glared at him and he turned to Kyra and apologized. He walked away and then Kyra and I went to grab our meals. I walked over to my table where my friends were already sitting. Kyra started to tense up when she saw my friends. I sat next to Russo and she sat next to me.

"Relax. They are my friends." I whispered to her.

She eased up and began eating.

"Kyra, this is Switch, Russo, and Cyrus." I introduced them to her.

Cyrus waved to her and Russo and Switch nodded. They returned to their normal conversations. and I started to eat.

"Hey, have you guys heard?" Cyrus asked.

"Heard what?" Russo said.

"You know the mercs that caught us? Well, I heard that there is only one of them now." Cyrus explained.

We were all brought in by the same mercenaries.

"What did the old one finally retire." Russo chuckled.

"Nope, apparently one of them died and not the old one," Cyrus said.

I stopped eating and looked up.

"Don't lie, Cy, that's information that could rattle the whole prison." Switch said.

"I'm not lying, this information is from a guard," Cyrus said.

"No way he died, who did it?" I asked.

"Nobody knows, he just went missing but it's rumored that he is no longer amongst the living," he said.

"Then it's most likely he's alive Cy," Russo said.

"What's his name?" Kyra spoke up.

Everyone at the table turned their heads toward her except for Switch who was focused on eating.

"Johns. Why?" Switch said.

She was quiet for a moment.

"He's dead." She said.

Switch choked on his food a bit.

"What?" Russo asked.

"He died. I was there," she said.

"How?" Cyrus asked.

"I was on a ship that crash-landed on a planet where it never turned night. Johns was one of the passengers that survived. He was transporting another prisoner named Riddick." She said.

She looked at me. 

"He's the guy that got the eye shine I told you about earlier." She said.

She turned back to the rest of the guys.

"One day when we were trying to find a way out, the captain of the ship figured out there was an eclipse coming and that was bad. It was bad because there were creatures that dwelled in the dark and they were bloodthirsty. We were focused on escaping with our lives and while we were trying to escape, they figured out I wasn't a boy but that I was a girl and I was attracting the creatures with my blood." She said

Cyrus and Russos looked confused.

"How did you get injured?" Cyrus asked.

I looked at him annoyed.

 "Her monthly dipshit," I said.

"Sorry, Kyra. Continue." Switch said

"Johns and Riddick walked away to talk about the situation and they started fighting about something. We backed away and they disappeared into the dark. The next thing we know is only one of them coming back from the darkness and it wasn't Johns. He was killed by one of those creatures." She said.

We sat there in shock. After we finished eating everyone went back to their cells. When I went back to our cell I started making something for Kyra. After I was done I showed her.

"Boots?" She asked.

"Try them on," I demanded.

She put them on.

"Now what?" she said.

"Move the heel to the right" I explained.

She did it and a little blades came out from the back.

"Now you can protect yourself," I stated.

She smiled.

*1 year later*

I woke up and I saw that Kyra wasn't in the cell. I trashed the place looking for a clue but all her stuff was gone. The guard opened the little window.

"Quiet down" he barked.

"Where is my cell mate" I shouted.

"She was transferred during the night" he said.

My vision became blurry for some reason, I quickly realized it was caused by my tears.

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