Chapter 6: The Yule Ball

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Annalise's POV

I sat in the Great Hall, wondering why we had been brought here. I looked around and realized that the whole school was here, boys on one side, girls on the other. A large record player sat in the middle of the Hall. The tables had been replaced with chairs. Professor McGonagall walked in. "Good evening, students." She said cheerfully. Then she went into a long speech. "Now, I have an announcement to make. As headmistress, I have planned for us to have the Yule Ball, even though Hogwarts is not hosting the Triwizard Tournament. For those of you who don't know, the Yule Ball is a dance that normally only takes place during the Triwizard Tournament. However, I would like us to have it without the Tournament for a change. Now, the rules are: you must wear dress robes. And please act civilized. Dates are optional. On that note, back to your common rooms." I left. No one was going to ask me, I was sure of that. Until Cameron walked up. "Hey." He said. His voice was kind of shaky, like he was nervous about something. "Can I ask you something?" He asked. "Sure." I replied. "Willyougototheballwithme?" He quickly blurted out. "A bit slower, please." I said. "Will you go to the ball with me?" He asked. My heart started beating wildly. "Sure." I said. "Cool. See ya later." He said. "See ya." I said. I walked back to the common room.


Cameron's POV

It was finally the day of the Yule Ball. I walked down to the entrance of the Great Hall and waited for Annalise. Suddenly, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs behind me. I turned around. Annalise was there, and she looked amazing. She was wearing a beautiful light blue dress. "You look great." I said. "Thanks." She said. She smiled and blushed. "So do you." She said. "Thanks. We should probably go inside now." I said. So we did. After a few fast songs, a slow one came on. "Um... do you maybe wanna..." I started to say. "I would love to dance with you." Annalise said. We walked onto the dance floor. I put my arms around her waist as she put hers around my neck. And we danced.

Annalise's POV

Cameron and I were the last to leave the dance. We walked back to the common room. "I had a great time." I said. "So did I." He said. I looked up. "Mistletoe." I said. He looked up. "Yeah." He said. And he kissed me. When we pulled back, I ran up to my dorm room. "Annalise, wait!" He yelled. But I was already gone.

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