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The ocean rises under the tide of the bright super moon, it's rough edges lingers ever so closely. The stars above shines brightly in the blanketed darkness, almost as if the Gods and Goddesses were watching closely. The waves crash lightly upon the old island castle as Olivia comes to terms with her destiny. As the looming force is nearing, she stands by her sleeping son, gazing into his crib.

"I'm sorry, I- I don't know if I'll be coming back to you but I want you to know that I love you."
Her mocha brown eyes twinkle softly in the large candlelit room.
Tears slowly roll down her caramel cheeks as she looks into a candle's dancing flame.

The bright rays of the full moon shine gallantly through the glass door leading out onto the balcony, its soft rays landing into the sleeping infant's crib. The sounds of the ocean waves outside, begins to crash violently against the centuries old castle walls, snapping Olivia from her troubled thoughts.
"I was chosen by Diana, and I shall follow my fate to the very end, no matter how much it hurts," she says backing up from the crib. She puts her hands together, and silently prays.

The glowing white opal around her neck begins to shimmer in the moonlight as she closes her eyes, twirling around slowly. Her body begins to shimmer like her necklace, and starts to glow. The twirling gradually slows down to a stop, and the glow fades revealing a long silk flanged dress, which shimmers flawlessly in the moonlight. In her hands, a large crescent shaped bow held firmly by her opera length silk white gloves. Her flowing brown hair, rests atop her bare shoulders.

"No matter what happens my son, be yourself. Be yourself in all your blessed glory, for you are from the Goddess herself. No matter what you go through, no matter what people say to you, you hold your head up high because there's no... there's no one like you. You are divine, from Olivia, the scion of Diana, Goddess of the moon, my son."

A twinkling tear falls onto her son's sleeping face, almost waking him. She softly kisses him on his forehead, before walking out on the nearby balcony. Her shimmering dress blows softly in the wind as she rips the opal from her neck. The wind slowly picks up as she holds it close to her chest.

"You have a cause, you have a destiny, for you are chosen," she says looking up at the moon before tossing her necklace up into the air.
"You're everything, my all, my son" she says aiming her glistening crescent bow, the rays of moonlight materializes into an arrow. Her hands tremble as she pulls back the majestic bow, charging it as tears roll down her cheeks.

"You are Bastion!!!" She yells as she releases the arrow.
The wind blows violently as the arrow pierces the opal, splitting it on half. She catches both pieces of the broken gem as the wind continues to gust, blowing out the candles inside before stopping suddenly.

"Goddess, watch over my son, keep him safe, show him his destiny," she says as she gazes out upon the calming ocean waves.

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