You have a panic attack - Damon

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The party. The flashing lights, the drunk people around you. It didn't take much, and this was all it took.

You had long lost your blonde friend, who had taken Stefan and Elena with her, leaving you alone in the crowd. You had been reluctant to come to the party, and now your worst nightmare was coming true. Your heart had already begun to race in your chest as you began to search for the nearest exit, but each one you saw was surrounded by people.

The once loud music was now ten times louder, but at the same time, it was as though you couldn't hear a beat as you tried to push your way through the crowd to the bathroom, slightly glad that all of them were far too intoxicated to take any notice of you.

Each breath you took had no effect, your lungs still felt empty so you allowed your breaths to become faster and faster until you were feeling lightheaded and your hands and feet were tingling.

You tried the door to the bathroom, but it was locked, and you couldn't wait to get in. You knew that if you didn't get out now, you would break down there and then.

As quickly as you could, you hurried to the stairs and ran up them, turning into the first room you could see through your now blurry eyes. Closing the door behind you, you allowed your back to slide down the wall as your breaths heaved and you struggled to think clearly.

You were so caught up that you didn't hear the footsteps enter the room and didn't look up until you heard him say your name.

"Y/N are you okay?"

Your first instinct was to say yes, but then you realised he could evidently see that you weren't, so instead opted not to say anything and bury your head in your knees instead, too ashamed of the mess you were to look Damon in the eyes.

After a few seconds, seeing you struggle, Damon recognised that you were having a panic attack, and, not saying anything, sat down on the floor beside you.

"Now Y/N, listen to me, and do exactly as I say." He spoke to you with a certain tone, it made you trust him, feel like he knew what he was doing.

He didn't compel you. He knew you would hate it if he did that, he instead gently took your hand in his and used your finger to draw a square mid-air. As he did so, he inhaled and exhaled slowly, encouraging you to do the same. The last few minutes had felt so fuzzy, but slowly, thing were beginning to become clearer as you felt your heart beginning to slow down.

It took a while, but eventually you were calm, and quite frankly, you felt exhausted.

"Do you need anything? A glass of water, a blanket? A hug?"

Damon's kindness had surprised you. Until then, he had simply been Stefan's older brother, he had seemed unapproachable and intimidating, reckless. But the way he helped you had made you see other qualities in him.

"I'm fine, but thanks, I think I'll just go home."

Damon sighed.

"I really think you should stay here, you know. I heard you telling Stefan that no one is at your house, and I would hate to think that this could happen again and you be alone."

He could see the uncertainty in your face, and you could feel your eyelids beginning to feel droopy.

"You know what," he said lifting you up, "how about you sleep in my bed, and I'll sleep over there? Then if you need anything, I'll be here, is that okay?"

You were so tired, so worn out by the events of the night that the sight of his large comfortable bed was rather inviting, and you wanted nothing more than to curl up in it. So you said yes.

He placed you down gently and pulled the covers over you. The last thing you saw before you closed your eyes was him sitting in the chair beside the bed, watching over you, and you felt safe, a comforting thought as you drifted off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2017 ⏰

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