"Nice way to greet us." Luna laughed, as her hand rested in her chest.

"Hello ladies, just wanted to make sure everything was set."

"Hello there, Odell." Trish smiled.

With small-chat, each drifted apart until the time came for the first guest's arrival. In between waiting, Odell approached Luna, who was staring at the grill too much intensely.

"Worried much?"

She quickly turned around with her eyes closed, before sighing.

"You can't do that often." She flutters her eyelashes, referring to the small jump scare he'd given her.

"And you most surely can't do that." He warned, making her lips spread in a smile.

"I was actually looking at the grill, wondering who will be the chef today."

"Hopefully not me."

"Hopefully." Luna repeated. "Hope your family takes it nicely on us."

"They're ready for war." Without a response from Luna, he laughed, embracing her in a calming side-hug. "You'll be good."

Upon breaking their hug, the producers gave them further instructions for what was to display, leading Odell to disperse towards the entrance of the big mansion. Both ladies gave the other a thumbs up, feeling like little kids at their own birthday party.

It didn't take long for the considerable-sized backyard to be filled with people. Although Odell kept it short on the guests, with the camera crew involved, this looked like some type of engagement party where family from all corners of the globe came to celebrate.

Trish gathered up some courage and presented herself to some of the guests around, whilst Luna wandered around at the snacks filled tables, with a plate in her hand.

"Were you the one making all of this?" an unfamiliar male voice questioned, followed by a light chuckle.

Luna giggled and looked up at the stranger before replying "If only I could."

The man had light tan skin and profound brown eyes that seemed to carry many stories and kindness. He looked about seventy, but his personality didn't show it one bit.

"Big football fan?" the stranger asked, probably referring to the fact that the 'prize' of this show was none other than a professional athlete of the sport.

"Not much, my dad is though — Dolphins' fan."

"Odell's got another thing coming." The older man laughed tenderly.

"Your dad has a good taste."

Luna looked to her left, where the voice came from, of a younger broad man. "You're a fan? I don't know much about them, but I don't think they're that good." She commented, getting chuckles from both, causing her to look confusingly between the two.

"It's more complicated than that."

"Forget it, you're not that famous." A now familiar tone spoke. Odell.

"Shut up man, it's the beard." The unknown guy rubbed his chin before embracing Odell in a hug, as Luna watched observed their interaction. After two seconds of chit-chat, they turned towards the young woman smiling. "I'm Jarvis, if it rings a bell?"

She nodded, eyes widening. "Of course! You play for the Dolphins. My father may have mentioned you a few times."

"See?" Jarvis reasoned as Odell shook his head.

The older man later joined the conversation, being presented to Luna as Odell's grandfather, Randolph. A wise man who could still make the whole table laugh with one of his many jokes. Jarvis, on the other hand, looked like a younger version of Odell's granddad. Him and Odell combined could turn a dull moment into an exciting one and Luna was enjoying the conversation between the two.

But duty calls and as barbecue host, Odell excused himself and Luna took the cue to walk over to a nearby table where the freshly cooked meat was being served.

Some aunts gathered around her, and even some little cousins passed by to say hello whilst Luna ate. Somehow she didn't feel the need to impress anyone and the interactions were unfolding naturally, as if this was her family and she was home.

In the corner of her eye, she noticed Trish speaking to some other friends and family members of Odell's, with him by her side.

Her and Luna's personalities were very distinct. They could both turn heads when walking into a room, but for different reasons. Luna didn't need to say much, her presence and aura were really attractive to the outsiders, whereas Patricia could grab all of the attention in the room with her personality. She, unlike Luna, knew what she was doing.

The barbecue was off to a good start, the camera crew got the most of their recordings done and soon enough, they were part of the festivities themselves looking to relax for a little bit. Everyone was getting along and it was a great environment overall.

Trish was out of sight and Luna was currently making her way towards the kitchen inside, before being stopped by a hand on her shoulder — Odell's. "There's someone I want you to meet." 

"No pressure."

The barbecue had been a success so far, and it lasted for long. However, now people were starting to leave and only some of Odell's closest friends and family members were left.

In Luna's vision, she spotted a slim, tall, woman. Looked amazingly young and her face had some familiar features. When they approached her, her lips spread in a warming smile.

"This is my momma, Heather." He presented the two.

From inside of the house — the balcony to be precise —, these three were being watched. If she didn't know who they were, Trish could swear Odell was presenting his newly-wed wife to his mother and they were getting along amazing.

The way he had his arm placed around her waist, showing how secure he made her, and the way his eyes lit up when looking at the smaller framed young woman, were big signs of affection. For Patricia, it was as if this moment settled for her.

Final is approaching!

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