NoLifeKing123's chat

251 5 18

*NoLifeKing123 has created a chat*
*PoliceGirl5, HellsingHead22, AngelofDeath456, and Mercenary4Life have been added to the chat*

HellsingHead22: Alucard, what is the meaning of this?!

NoLifeKing123: Master, this is a group chat. We can all keep up to date with our daily activities and such.

AngelofDeath456: Very interesting, Alucard.

NoLifeKing123: Thank you, Walter.

AngelofDeath456: Of course, sir.

PoliceGirl5: I agree with Walter.

NoLifeKing123: No one likes a suck up, Police Girl.

Mercenary4Life: He is right, Mon Cher.

NoLifeKing123: Don't ever agree with me again, Frenchie.

PoliceGirl5: My name is Seras.

*EverywhereundNovere hacks the chat*

EverywhereundNovere: Guten tag

*Everyone else logs out*

EverywhereundNovere: Not nice.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed the story! Please leave a review with ideas! See you in the next chapter!

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