Chapter 5: Aurora

Start from the beginning

"Can I ask why you were in the principal's office back home?" He questions and I decide I should be honest.

"I'll be honest with you, Mr. Wright. I am not a troublemaker and I don't go seeking out trouble either. But I feel very strongly about anti-bullying. That day I was in the principal's office was because one of the football players push a mentally handicapped student onto the floor so I broke his nose. I was punished for it but I don't regret it," I lay out the story and look for a reaction.

"Oh. Well like in any high school, violence is not okay. But personally if something like that happened in this high school, you would not be the one who were punished. We have a strict anti-bullying policy here at Sacramento High so we usually don't have a problem with that. Now for your schedule," he hands me a piece of paper still warm from the printer, "our hallways are labeled "A" to "P". It's a fairly easy concept so I doubt you will need help finding your classes. You will have first lunch every day. I'll walk you to your first class, AP Calculus. Mrs. Miller will be your teacher," he opens the door to his office and lets me walk through first.

I follow him down a long hall until we stop in front of a classroom, the door reading "Mrs. Miller's AP Calculus".

"One more thing. There are six minutes between every bell for you to get to your next class. Also, during your lunch come to the front office to take a school ID photo. I'll send an email to your teachers letting them know you'll have your ID tomorrow," he opens the door and whatever chatter that was going on in the room suddenly stopped.

Being a paralegal and having a wealthy lawyer as a father has really boosted my confidence in front of a crowd. Most people would be nervous in a situation like this; thirty pairs of eyes trained on the school newbie. I'm not the type to get nervous with this though. I'm here to get my high school diploma and that is it.

"Sorry to interrupt, Mrs. Miller but you have a new student. Everyone, this is Aurora Lane. She's new to the school so please excuse her tardiness," he introduces me and walks out of the classroom.

"Hello Aurora, I'm Mrs. Miller," she shakes my hand.

"Hi," I shake her hand back and smile.

"We were just about to start introducing ourselves. Since you're already up here, why don't you go first? Where are you from? What do you aspire to be? And what do you do for fun?" She list off her questions and I take a second before I answer.

"I just moved to California yesterday evening from this crazy small town in Texas named Timpson. The high school I was attending had a graduating class of twenty-two if that gives y'all an idea of how small it is. I aspire to be a lawyer like my father. Some hobbies and interests consist of cars, cooking, animals, archery, boxing, and I absolutely love helping my father on his criminal cases," I smile at the thought of putting criminals in prison.

"Well it sounds like you'll need to do some adjusting, coming from such a small town. Let's find you a seat. Ah, right back there," she points to a table where three guys are sitting.

"Thank you," I smile at her and walk back to the table and take a seat.

I reach into my purse and pull out a notebook and a pen and when I look up, I'm almost caught off guard by how attractive all three guys at my table are. It's like I stepped into a male model magazine. This is the part where Taylor would start to blush. She can't control her face around hot guys, and it's extremely entertaining to witness. Back home, only one guy wanted to date me and he was a tool so I never really had many boyfriends going up. But I always hung out with guys and even the men that hang out at the local bar, as we were all family. I was one of the guys to them.

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