Chapter 1: Independence Day

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I do not own most characters. All but The Girl in Black belong to DC, along with much of the dialogue.

Author's Note: I will not be starting at the beginning of the episode. 


3rd Person POV:

"Dude out is up!" Kid Flash yelled at Robin.

"Excuse me? Project Kr is down, on sublevel 52," the Boy Wonder argued, sounding annoyed.

"This is getting out of control. Perhaps... perhaps we should contact the League." Aqualad stated, sighing. Everyone was silent. The doors opened.

Robin ran down the hall, the others following. They stopped at fork in the tunnel.

"Which way?" Aqualad asked.

"Yeah, bizarre-looking hallway one, or bizarre-looking hallway two?" Robin quipped.

"Halt!" came a voice from down the hall. A genomorph, its horns glowing red, raised a hand and sent two barrels flying at them with telepathy. The young heroes started running, Kid Flash zooming ahead. Robin and Aqualad came to a stop beside Kid Flash, who had placed a barrel between the closing door.

"Hurry!" he shouted at his comrades. They kicked the barrel out after jumping in through the door. 

"I disabled the door," Robin called, "We're safe!"

"We're trapped." Aqualad corrected.

"Uh, guys..." Kid Flash trailed off. Suddenly the lights all snapped on, revealing a person decked out in a black uniform standing at a control panel in front of a pod.


So, what do you think? Is it ok for my first fanfiction? I know it's short, but the episode this is based on doesn't really have anywhere for my character to fit in. The rest of the episodes will either be longer but updated slower, or updated faster but in parts. It might be a mix of both, depending on how much time I have. Well, have a good morning, afternoon, or night wherever you happen to be reading this!

And a quick shout out to PhantomsJustice for voting on the last chapter!

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