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Anger is the flame of hatred
That lies within our hearts
And is seen within our eyes.
But only if you look hard enough
Can you see the flames of hatred.
These flames lay within everyone
Rarely ever seen, rarely ever noticed.

The anger we see and feel,
It's only but the outer flames of red and orange.
While the hatred we come to feel
Is the inner flame of blue, yellow and white.

There are many emotions
Many that can be compared
To that of a flame, of a fire.

But, Anger and Hatred,
Are the most Dangerous,
They could consume us,
If we are not careful.

Watch for the flames, the fires
Of Anger and Hatred.
Watch for them in not only others
But, also within ourselves.
Watch, and be careful, be cautious.
For one day, these flames,
Might just Consume you.

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