You before me

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I'd been awake for nearly ten minutes now and I couldn't get back to sleep. I'd been tossing and turning all night. It was just like my friend had said. I guess I couldn't get to sleep because I was worried about the next day.

The next day I was dreading so much. I couldn't bear to get up because I was so scared that something bad was going to happen to me if I went there. 'There' was somewhere that normally people who are ill like to go to because the people there make them better but oh no not me. Yes, you've probably guessed I was talking about a hospital. Eurgh, even writing the word makes me shudder.

The problem was I don't like talking to strangers face to face. I was so frightened that I would say something wrong or that they would do something bad to me. I guess you're wondering why I was so frightened.

   Well it all started a year ago when I was walking home from school one day when suddenly I could hear some older guys behind me calling someone. At first I thought they were talking to someone else but then I turned around and saw that they were calling after me. I started walking faster to get away from them but they seemed to be getting faster as well. I didn't know what to do, I was terrified. Suddenly I began to feel light-headed. I stopped in my tracks. My head was pounding. I could still hear them behind me, they were only a few feet away. I tried to get up but I felt so light-headed and sick. I sat back down and then suddenly I could feel them behind me breathing loudly.


My first ever chapter. Hope you liked it! I will be uploading a new chapter after Christmas.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2013 ⏰

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