Encounter with the beach

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Elena pov

I turned around and glanced at Dex one more time, and turned on my heels and ran downstairs.

His one simple glare sent chills in my body without even touching me.

His one glance resulted in a whole zoo in my stomach. 

Oh my god! Mondays really sucks I thought and signed and lifted my head up to see I was already in the dining hall.

The dining hall was big with 3 tables in total. One for the Elders, the second for the higher ranks and the last for the omegas.

The Royal Pack really have different traditions compared to my pack.

In my pack, my pack members don't sit in hierarchy.

Those guys are really in the 15 century or something.

Oh who I'm I talking about? Its the great Dexter Walter's pack after all! I thought and chuckled.

Just then I heard a high pitch voice who snapped me back to reality.

"Hey omega! You went crazy or something?".

My wolf growled at the mention of Omega and I turned around to come face to face with a girl of the same height of me.

She was wearing a mini dress which was till her butt and that showed everything.

She had amber hair and amber eyes with heavy make-up on her face.

To me, it looked like she painted her face rather.

"You are who bitch?" I replied casually trying my best to keep calm.

At the mention of bitch I could sense rage radiating from her body but it need more than that to make me submit to her.

After all I was the Legendary Luna, she was nothing compared to me.

I could see her eyes becoming black and she yell at me with a "You don't talk to your Luna like that". 

My heart almost skipped a beat when she said Luna.

What was I thinking about Dex? He was the player boy type. 

I should have expected that from him. But it still hurts like hell.

My mind quickly snapped to the chick's condition and my lips twisted to a smirk, enjoying messing with that  girl.

On noticing my smirk, her face become more red from rage.

She raised her hand to slap me but I grabbed her hand at an inhuman speed, stopping her directly from slapping me.

"Lil wolfie! You don't dare slap your Luna got it?" I yell at her with my Luna voice.

Her eyes widen in shock and due to the power in my voice she submit to me, by showing me her naked neck and her eyes down to  the ground

"Much better" I said aloud, my wolf half satisfied.

Inside me my wolf wanted to kill the girl right before her, she hated someone else faking being the Luna of  her mate's pack when she was the real Luna.

Well that was her theory not mine.

Just then I heard murmurs and realised that a crowd was formed around us.

"Really for how long?" I thought.

I really have to stop using my Luna voice, it so bring attention to me and guess what I totally hate being the centre of attention.

Just then, I heard my dear mate's voice. "Just the person I needed" I muttered under my breath.

"Stella Wright you are lowed to the Omega rank for trying to slap your Luna and my mate" He ordered, anger clear from his voice.

The Wright name rings something to me. I try to make my brain work when it hit me.

Stella is Adam's sister.

"NO" My voice rings in the hall. "Don't lower her rank, just give her the normal punishment*." I replied back.

  Normal punishment: For one week, she is the only one to eat the last in the pack and is not allowed to interact with anyone in the pack for one week 

Dex sent me a glare that say shut-up-and-don't-interfere-in-it.

But me being me, I glared back at him and opened my mouth to say : "You don't order me and as the Luna of your pack I have the right to make a decision."

and added a "already forgot the rules mate ?" Dex glared at me but finally accepted.

*Through mind link between Elena and Dex*

D: "I so hate you Elena"

E: "Who don't?"

E:"Oh and Dex please learn your spell lessons next time, maybe you will be able to capture me? and Good luck with that"


If you people are wondering? Yes on the note left on the nightstand was written that : Learn your spells better next time mate :)

Dexter Walter, try harder next time! you may win or not dear Alpha mate? Who knows...

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