Vocans academy

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The journey was a long one but eventually they arrived at vocans. A massive statue in the courtyard.
"That's the memorial for provost Scipio, he was a great man your never guess who's filling in for him" Fletcher said looking at the statue.
"Please no it isn't you?"
"No no god no it's Arcturus"
Aramis let out a sigh of relief as he got off the cart, Aquas on his shoulders
"I'll be staying a while though just to sort things out"
Aramis said nothing taking in the sights.
"I wouldn't stand around our stops have made us late get to your class" Fletcher said with a smile seeing Aramis run into the building. He saw a glow coming from one of the rooms and headed towards it. Inside was a couple of familiar faces, Caulder and Arcturus. Arcturus was teaching the class how to make wyrdlights. The were various different shapes and sizes but one was huge. Aramis looked to see who was making it and was shocked to see Sophia stood there.
"Well Aramis I have been waiting for you, like your father your 5minutes late for my lesson. I take it you can already produce a wyrdlight?"
Aramis stood there all eyes on him "I.....I...uh"
"That would be a no sir" Caulder said chuckling
"Yes Caulder I know that" Arcturus said with a little chuckle "demons have mana reserves we as the summoner can use this manner to use let's just say magic of a sort"
"Ur a wizard Barry" one of the male students said causing laughter to echo the hall
"Yes yes it was funny the first time now settle down....any way I need you to focus on this energy, we will later come to etching but for now u are to use the raw mana this is what we call a wyrdlight"
Aramis listened letting the information sink in before closing his eyes and extending a finger on his hand with no tattoos
"Well Aramis open your eyes you gonna make my star pupil jealous" Arcturus said making Aramis open his eyes. He didn't realise it at the time but he could now feel a tingling sensation in his finger as the biggest wyrdlight yet shot into existence"
"That's unfair" a familiar voice said belonging to Sophia "wait where's your dem...." Sophia didn't finish as Aquas pounced from the shadows at the wyrdlight startling the class.
"What is it"
"Iv never seen that before"
"That makes mine look like a mouse"
"Settle down class this is a very rare sight in deed. That is a dragon" Arcturus said as Aquas landed on Aramis's shoulder "now I'm gonna tell u some history. Back years and years ago there were at the time what people called mages. These mages had magic much different to summoners they didn't etch they would think it and learn, and eventually could make fire come from there hands or at least what legend tells us. What they didn't tell people is each one of these mages had a dragon. The mages were basically the first summoners but they didn't summon them. Like young Aramis the dragons just appeared from nowhere" Aramis stood there shocked as people stared at him whispering "the mages craved one thing power and didn't want to pass to the next life..."
"We aren't children you can say they didn't want to die" a student interrupted
"Fine they didn't want to die. Some say a few found a way to do just so and are still here but nobody knows for sure"
"And here I thought he only had good looks" Sophia said making the class laugh
"Right that's class over for today keep practising wyrdlights and we will soon go on to etching"
Arcturus said going to his desk and sitting.
"Wow Aramis why didn't you tell me you were special?" Caulder asked grinning
"I....I never knew" Aramis said still going over what he heard
"Well he certainly has a way with his magic I took forever for the others to make a wyrdlight and you just walked in her and pow wyrdlight I'm a little jealous" Sophia said smiling
"Uhhh thanks" Aramis said his cheeks blushing red
"Somebody's got a crush" Caulder said elbowing Aramis
"WHAT....no no I don't what are you talking about?" Aramis said getting embarrassed as Sophia burst into laughter
"So what if he does" Sophia said winking and walking out "I'll see u later in our dorm" she said before leaving
"Right I need to see Arcturus" Aramis said walking to his desk as Caulder followed.
"How can I help you Aramis" Arcturus said his eyes locked to paperwork on his desk.
"I spoke with the King recently, he gave me 2 gifts and said to bring them to my teacher" Aramis said going into his satchel bag pulling out the gifts.
"Well well Aramis u are a lucky one. Those are summoning scrolls he gave u two demons, and rare ones at that. Captain Lovett will help you with these tomorrow in her lesson, and Aramis I will be working with u in private soon I'll let you know what about later now I suggest you two take a gander around the vocans"
Aramis and Caulder walked out the classroom "wow Aramis you've been here a day and already you have been given two rare demons and you have a dragon"
"What can I say I'm lucky I guess"

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