9// Fun

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(AN: This is just a filler chapter nothing really important happened other than that one thing. If you're too lazy to read... Skip to the last page)

We arrived at Cedric's house fairly quickly, surprisingly they actually agreed to walk and just left their motorbikes at Lachlan's house which is like 4 houses away. The walk from my house to Cedric's house was like 15 minutes walk away so it didn't really bothered me. But the boys, however, were complaining almost the whole entire time. Other than the complaining and random shit talk, it was a fun walk. Chatting debating on whether which is better, Icing or Fondant, and all other random stuff.

"Finally!" Lachlan said in relief.

"Welcome to my home" Cedric welcomed us, opening the door then gesturing us that we could enter. His house is pretty goddamn huge. The living room consisted of a Curved tv which is surrounded with bookcase full of books, the format of the coach which is white cotton rounded couch. Too bad there is no love sack.

"So, what shall we do first?" Nathan asked ready to do something mischievous.

"How about we do something cliche first?" Cedric asked "Something like, Prank calls." He said while raising a phone.

We all agreed on doing it.

"Ill start first" I say proudly.

I dialed a random number and waited for them to answer, all of was giggling like 5 years old doing a prank call. Oh wait, we are.

  "Hello, is Mr. Wall there, please?" I asked as soon as they answered.

"There is no Mr. Wall here, sorry" It sounded like a man.

"Can I speak with Mrs. Wall then, please?" I asked trying to contain my laughter

"Mrs. Wall does not live here." The other person said rather getting angry.

Might be short tempered.

"Well, can I speak with Harry Wall, please? "

"There is no one here by that name, either. " The anger on his voice is now noticeable.

I 'ssshhhd' my friends as they were starting to laugh louder. Jhano was even biting the pillow trying to hold his laugh.

"Are there any Walls there? "

"No, there are no walls here."

"Then may I ask what's holding up your house?"  I said as I laughed and ended the call

"Man, that is hilarious." Jhano pointed out.

"How about we a try a lyric prank?" Jhano suggested.

After many other prank calls, we eventually got bored. Nathan noticed this and suggested we play spin and dare.

"I'm going to spin first." Nathan announced "Whoever this bottle points to, I get to dare." He said while spinning the battle. To my luck, it didn't point at point. Instead it pointed to Cedric.

"So, Cedric" Nathan smirked "I dare you to do your most convincing orgasm face. Someone else will take a picture. Make it your instagram profile pic for the rest of the night." Cedric gasped.

Like what the dare said he made the most convincing orgasm face and all of us laugh. He even moaned!

"Next up is..." Cedric said while spinning the bottle.

Please don't be me. Please.

"Naomi!" He cheered. " I dare you to make everyone laugh, If you failed you'll have to give me food." He smirked. The first time I see him smirked, its so adorable.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2018 ⏰

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