Leaving a note: Haikyuu!! Characters will appear at a time later. But, I really don't want to throw a bunch into future chapters. I'll may have 3-6 appear or more. And some, well, they may appear in a different book of this series (If I do plan to make into a series, that is) if not, well, I dunno. But, I want to see how many people would love another book of this. Anyway for now, I shall continue on with the second chapter •~•

《 You'll never be lost, there is just many places for you to explore 》

Song: Kingdom Hearts 1 Ending Theme


As the sun shone through the curtains that enhanced the room. Another day just begun with a bright awakening.
"Onii-chan! Wake up!! Mom made breakfast!" Natsu was on top of Hinata as she shooken him, and the sun was enough to blinden him.
"Morning, Na-chan.." Hinata blinked a few times before sitting up.
He rubbed his eye lids before Natsu slid off his bed.
"Come on! The food is gonna get cold!" Natsu then took off out of his room to who knows where. Hinata then stretched and gotten dressed into some decent clothing, walking out his bedroom.

Soon after breakfast was over, Hinata took Natsu on a walk on the island. Surely enough, Hitoka and Kageyama were getting the raft ready. Though, something seemed to be off. The sky seemed to be getting darker by the minute.
"Are we having a storm?"
Hinata asked, looking up where Natsu ran over to the raft.
"It seems so? But there's no clouds here.."
Hitoka replied, looking up as well.
Which, Kageyama only gave a shrug.
It felt chilly at the time, too.
"Natsu! Please go inside to get jackets."
Hinata instructed and Natsu replied with a 'okay!'. And off she went. Hinata then saw something dark shaped from a circle and here came lightning. Hitoka was confused of this and terrified to move. But, some what of sparks and bolts of light came from the circle. Then, here came to be of tiny, shadowy creatures.

This is just like of the dream.. Except, this is no dream?!

///////////// Donald's POV ///////////////////////

As the duck, himself, wandered through corridors of the castle. In order of to find Mickey. As he opened the door the to throne, he didn't see Mickey but rather something else other than to say Pluto to be woken of the entrance. Which, Donald proceeded to walk over to the chair to find a note. Reading: Donald,Sorry to rush off without sayin' goodbye, but there's big trouble brewin'.
Not sure why, but the stars have been blinkin' out, one by one. And that means disaster can't be far behind. I hate to leave you all but I've gotta go check into it.
There's someone with a "Key"-the Key to our survival. So I need you and Goofy to find him, and stick with him. Got it?
We need that key or we're doomed! So go toTraverse Town and find Leon. He'll point you in the right direction. P.S. Would ya apologize to Minnie for me? Thanks, pal.
Signed - Mickey.

As Donald's eyes scanned the letter, came a scream and him to run out the hall into the corridor.

- Back to Hinata's POV -

Hinata looked at them as he backed up, then looking up at the warp hole.
"Dumbass! Get out of there!" Hinata then looked over at Kageyama who picked him up by his collar and sprinted. Hinata though slapped his hand a few times before he letted him go. As the time he did, Hinata saw a golden light shone in his right then what appeared to be a keyblade. Hinata then searched it of curiosity.
Kageyama then stared at it, not understanding how a keyblade could appear. Hinata then looked up, and all he could remeber was darkness engulfing him along by of Kageyama.

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