Give Me An Award Part 1

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You sat glued to your computer screen waiting for the photos from the red carpet of the event to pop up on the Getty Images website. You knew Jai would look amazing in his black tux because he had snapped a selfie from the bathroom and sent it to you. You were so proud of him and although you wanted nothing more than to be his side you have conditioned yourself into believing that this is how it had to be for now. Things would change eventually.

Slowly but surely the photos started to appear not only on the Getty images website but in all his fan sites as well. The first images were just him flashing that smile that made you melt, his eyes in some of the shots seemed to look right at you and you could feel warmth start to build between your legs. The reaction that Jai had on you, on your body was unlike anything you'd ever felt with anyone and it wasn't something you ever wanted to lose.

The photos kept rolling out, Jai looking more and more handsome in each one that you saw. Then it happened, the moment you were dreading, she appeared by his side. A beautiful blonde who the camera absolutely loves. He held her close as the photographers called on them to flash their best smiles. You couldn't help the jealousy that struck you, before you knew it the tears were running down your cheeks. That should be you by his side you thought.

You closed your laptop and decided that had been enough for one night. You couldn't continue to do this to yourself. Jai and you had and understanding and everything was going to be alright. As soon as the ceremony and party were over he'd be there with you. She was by his side now but at the end of the night he'd be in your bed making love to you like only he could.

You took a long bubble bath and put on a sexy new outfit you bought to celebrate with Jai tonight. While you waited for Jai you sipped glass of wine from a bottle of Rosé that he loved to drink with you. There was champagne chilling as well but the wine always reminded him of you so you indulged.

It was getting late and you knew that these events sometimes ran into the early hours of the morning but Jai usually found a way to get out of them early to go to you. You decided to go through Instagram and see if he had posted any pics. You were scrolling through your feed when suddenly your blood ran cold. There was Jai again with the blonde in his arms but this time his lips were on hers. Not the way he sometimes kissed her in public when the press would request it, but a full blown kiss while dancing with her at the after party. He was enjoying it, her arms were around his neck, his hands holding her close, he'd been lying to you all this time, they were a couple.

The differences between you and her suddenly hit you like a bucket of ice water. She was a beautiful blue eyed blonde with an athletic build, your long brown hair, dark eyes and curvy body appealed to many men but apparently not the man you loved anymore. She was a natural in front of the cameras, it was like she was in her zone, that world terrified you. You sat there and tore yourself apart for at least an hour before making a decision that broke your heart.

You took a screenshot shot of the photo and decided to text him.....

*It's obvious that I was missing something in all this. Message received, you don't have to contact me again, be happy Jai, goodbye*

You reread the text you typed out and hit send.
Hours passed and there was no reply. He didn't care, you had given him an out and he took it.

It's now 5:30 am, you're laying on the ground, the bottle of wine and champagne both gone, the beautiful outfit you wore ripped to shreds, your laptop on the ground next to you after hitting the wall as more photos of the night surfaced and your cheeks stained with tears. Your friends and family warned you it would end like this. You didn't believe them but right now you thought it to be true.

You get up and go into your bedroom, you need to sleep, forget and gain the strength you'll need to deal with all the I told you so's that will be coming your way.

As you lay in bed all you can think about is him, how he made love to you there, his touch, his scent, the way he whispered in your ear, the way he kissed you and told you that you belong to him. He told he'd never leave you, that you two were meant to be yet hours after the text you sent ending things you'd heard nothing. It was all a lie.......


Preview to part 2

The sun was shining bright on your face, your head pounding from the bottles you downed last night no doubt. The memories come flooding back after a brief fog, instantly the tears start falling down your face. You sit up and see something no, someone sitting in the chair in the corner of your room. You wipe away the tears to get a clearer look.....

" What the fuck is this Y/N" Jai shouted as he held up his phone opened to the message you sent.

He stood up and walked over to the bed where you were now sitting up. "Answer me Y/N, what the fuck is this??"

You felt your body react to him, the warmth between your legs building. There was nothing hotter than an angry Jai. You could tell he wanted to punish you, to fuck you hard to show you who was boss, you tried to keep your head focused on the why this was happening and responded.

"I think the message was pretty clear, go play with your girlfriend, I'm done!!!" You shouted.

He towered over you, his eyes darkening, you had no idea what was going to happen next......

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