meston//maybe one day

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i've been with weston for awhile.

on the first day of 7th grade, i had just moved to buffalo new york

i didn't know anyone.

until my teacher sat me next to a girl named maddie.

after 1 week of being friends, i went to maddie's house for a sleepover.

when we were in our sleeping bags, maddie showed me an app called "younow"

we watched tons of people under the #guys and #girls

we also found this boy named weston koury.

maddie and i had instantly liked him and fanned him on maddie's account.

ever since that sleepover, i've watched his broadcasts.

i never made a fan account because i thought it was kinda stupid.

but i still had a small crush on him.

to this day, november 6th, i don't like like weston in a way that he would be my crush,

but he makes me happy.

tomorrow, november 7th, will be one year and one month of supporting weston.

and for mario,

i had heard about him on weston's broadcasts and that stuff, but whenever i tried to watch him, he didn't really act or look like a fifteen year old.

but on november 17th i had officially actually liked mario and his broadcasts and kinda supported him for what he was doing.

i guess i was just judging a book by its cover.


649 miles:weston

1,153 miles:mario

sixty-two days:weston's fifteen

forty-five days:mario's seventeen

315 days:two years of supporting weston

11 days:one year of supporting mario

days until i meet weston:never

days until i meet mario:never

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