It Isn't Christmas Until You've Bought Yourself a Reindeer

Start from the beginning

Castiel turned to give Dean his best smiting look, glaring hard in his direction.  

"Dude...." Dean breathed, falling into a new fit of laughter, "I can't believe that just happened....."  

"It was not funny Dean."  


"Was not funny."  


"Aw Cas, come on, I didn't mean to laugh okay?"  

Castiel leaned back into the couch and practically pouted in sadness, "We should have won."  

Dean sat down beside him, "We still can. You can use your angel powers to-"  

"I will not cheat Dean."  

Dean sighed and after a moment of silence spoke up again, "Look, you don't need to do this Cas. I know you deserved to win, you know you deserved to win, hell, Sam probably knows it too. That should be enough, you don't need the crappy neighbours to decide that for you."  

Castiel smiled a bit but Dean could tell he was still a bit sad, so with a small grin he scooted over and placed a hand on the angel's thigh, "You're the winner in my eyes Cas. And we should celebrate that."  


Dean ran his hand up along Cas's thigh, leaned in and placed a kiss on his lips, which Castiel gladly returned. Parting his lips and tilting his head to allow Dean better access, Castiel groaned and pulled him closer, one hand snaking through his hair and the other along his chest. Dean grabbed a hold of Cas's waist and pulled him up onto his lap, stealing hungry, sloppy kisses along the way.  

The air was getting hotter despite the cold outside, and Dean slowly snaked his fingers under Castiel's shirt, ghosting over the smooth skin beneath it, making the angel shiver and pull on his hair a bit harder.  

Castiel pulled away, breathing hard and warm against Dean's lips, "Thank you Dean."  

Dean had the buttons on his shirt halfway undone and quickly began biting at Cas's neck, "Anytime."  

He pulled the angel's shirt off, running his fingernails across the skin, making Castiel moan and pull Dean's own t-shirt off. Dean slowly moved them until Castiel plopped onto his back underneath Dean. Dean grinned and kissed Castiel harder, relishing in the candy cane flavoured taste of his mouth.  

"Dean....." Castiel groaned, as Dean began thrusting down against Castiel's hips. Cas jerked back in response, slowly running his hand down across Dean's chest and stomach, down to his pants. He poked a couple fingers into the waist and pulled Dean closer.  

"Take this off," he breathed hotly against Dean's neck, licking across a tiny spot on the hunter's neck for good measure.  

Dean pressed a quick kiss to Cas’s lips before he began working on getting his pants off. He was so lost in the process he didn’t realize that Cas had stilled beneath him until he had one leg out of his pants and glanced down at the quiet angel.  

“Uh, Cas?” he rasped.  

Castiel was staring off past his shoulder, glaring at something beyond the hunter.  

He shook the angel’s arm and tilted his head, blocking the angel’s view of whatever he was staring at, “Cas.”  

Castiel glared harder and gently pushed on Dean’s neck, tilting his head the other way so he could see past his shoulder again, “There are lights on their cars Dean. Their cars.”  

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