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Tears rolled down my face as I stood in front of my burning house. I tried to break free and run inside but multiple hands held me back.

Oh! What i would give to go inside and see her face. "Maaaa...!" I screamed so loud and long that my throat hurt.

The sirens blared around me. People talked and shouted. The moments passed by, each painfully slow, cutting my heart open and preventing me from breathing.

I felt every moment gripping me by the neck, and choking me, leaving me unable to breath. Darkness covered my eyes and i saw myself falling down a dark black pit.   Tumbling down freely while the wind slashed my body. The pit kept getting longer as I fell down forever and ever and ever. I grasped my neck trying to break free and gasped for breath.

I knew i was loosing. I knew this couldn't go for long. The choking, the falling, the pain...I gave up. I closed my eyes and freed myself from all the pain. The last thing I heard was loud screams. Another set of screams that would haunt me forever...

I woke up later on, surprisingly enough. I was lying on a bed, wearing hospital clothes. I struggled to open my eyes. My body hurt all over and my head throbbed. I shook my head, trying to clear it. My head was clouded. So clouded that I couldn't make anything out. Question after question popped up in my head.

"She is awake." I heard a short blonde woman, probably the nurse, call out. She walked out of the room as I saw a man walk into the room. He walked up to me and stood beside my bed. He asked me a couple of questions as i answered each one.

" is actually a miracle. Someone survive something like that. There is someone out there who wants to talk to you. Stayed here for 3 days and 3 nights straight. Didn't move away from that chair." The doctor smiled and said as he scribbled down something in a book. He tore out a piece of paper and handed it to another nurse who entered the room. The doctor looked at me one last time and walked out of the room. The nurse followed him out.

"Thank God, Hielo! I thought I lost you too! I- I..." Ethan said as he walked into the room. He looked extremly tired. It looked like he hadn't slept in forever. He looked like shit. But however shitty he looked, my heart fluttered at the sight of him. Tears brimmed my eyes as i sat up and looked at him...just looked at him.

"Ethan..." just saying his name felt so good.

"Hielo..." Ethan said back as he walked towards me and hugged me

"I- i had this really wierd dream." I said, smiling through my tears. Ethan sat down on the chair that was placed beside my bed. He took my arm in his and held it there. He looked at me with a smile on his face.

"I dreamed that my heart stopped beating. Again" I said. Ethan's eyes turned a shade lighter and I saw them twinkle.

"That is not possible Hielo. I am right here. And I promise I will love you forever." He kissed my forehead, his lips lingereing there for some time. I closed my eyes, cherishing those moments.

"I love you so much, Ethan." I whispered to him.

"And you know I love you. Your heart still beats." He said as he pulled back.

"What happened,Ethan. Why am I here?" I ask him after a long moment of peaceful silence. He looked away, trying to dodge the question. "Ethan,what happened?" I asked again, panicking.

Ethan looked into my eyes, and I got my answer. It had happened again. The words the book held, had come true. Again.

"Is Maa...?" I asked even though I knew the answer. Ethan nodded and replied. "She died in the fire, Hielo."

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