Tag #2 - AsianFeelingAsian's Tag

32 4 12

Tagged by AsianFeelingAsian (Thank you for tagging!)

1.) Favorite word?
I....do not have one. Unless you include PFFT.

2.) Favorite Disney Character? (Hash tagging time)


#Lilo and Stitch



#Big Hero 6


3.)  Would you rather face a horse-sized duck, or 100 duck-sized horses?
I mean, baby ducks are cute and all, and I'm not afraid of ducks, but.... The adults, though! They are freaking creepy! When you feed them all you have, they just keep following you until they get what they want. *shiver* (You can probably guess which one I picked)

4.) Would you rather marry your enemy, or kill your best friend?
I'd really hate to say this, but I'd rather marry my enemy. I can't risk to lose a friend again! And the weird thing? We used to be best friends. Secretly, I wish we could still be friends again. It's still killing me! Good thing my enemy doesn't go on Wattpad. Or else, this'll be AWK-WARD!

Again, thank you AsianFeelingAsian for tagging meeeee!

I Tag:











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