Chapter 1

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An alarm goes off. Kiri wakes up sweating. It was all a dream. Sluggishly she turns it off then looks at the time and date. September 2nd, 2023, 5:54 A.M. She sighs and thinks to herself, 'I can't believe I dreamt of that memory.' She gets up and looks around her apartment room. It was still dark out and you can see the moon shine through her black shades. Kiri stumbles over to the door trying to keep her balance. Through the door she hears her roommates screaming. "No don't wake her up! You know how cranky she gets in the morning!" that voice was Kolby. "Yeah but if she doesn't get up she's going to miss training!" a second voice said, it sounds like Zach. A third voice speaks up, "True, but Zach wouldn't you not want to die today?" Kiri smirks at the comment. The third voice is Jeremy. She opens the door and look at the three boys rubbing her eyes due to all the lights being on. "What the heck is going on here?" she speaks softly. The guys all look at her in fright. "OH NO SHE'S AWAKE!" screeches a frightened Zach. Jeremy and Kolby hold onto each other while Zach braces for a punch. Kiri looks at him annoyed. "Yes, I'm awake you moron. Now..." She grabs Zach by his shirt, "You plan on telling me why the hell you guys were screaming?" He shakes feeling the threat in her voice. "I-I-Its training time Kiri..." He looks away and she smirks dropping him to the floor. In a nice sweet voice, she giggles and says, "Well why didn't you tell me that earlier, dork?" Jeremy and Kolby look at each other realize they're holding each other blush then let go and look away. It's obvious they like each other so Kiri and Zach laugh a bit. Jeremy looks at them still blushing. "W-w-what's so funny?" Zach and Kiri keep laughing and Kiri looks at the older two males. "I see everyone already dressed. I'm going to go get ready, make sure Zach doesn't piss himself from laughing so hard."

She walks right back into her room, locks the door, and quickly changes into black combat boots, black skinny jeans, and a tight ripped up Evanescence T-shirt. She runs around her room grabbing her phone, keys, wallet, and Batman hobo backpack. Kolby knocks on her door, "You ready Kiri?" "Yeah just give me a sec." Kiri opens her wallet, looking at a picture of her and her father. A tall man with bright blonde hair and blue eyes. He was wearing a black suit, while she, the eight-year-old she use to be, was wearing a dark navy blue velvet dress. Her violet eyes, full of innocence, smiling at the nineteen-year-old she is now. The picture was taken at her first, and last, military ball. It was the last day she saw her father. Then next day she was taken away due to her father's drug and alcohol abuse adding on to his insanity, and the harm he was causing her. She closes her wallet then wipes away her tears, putting on an emotionless face.

Zach walks into her room, "Hey K, you okay?" She looks at him smiling. "Yeah I'm fine, lets go." She walks past him out her bedroom door, to the front door stopping to take in the ice cold air of the morning. She shivers a bit then walks out the door and to her black and red ford F350. Kolby and Jeremy were already in the back leaned up against the tailgate, cuddling in a blanket. Kiri smiles at then then gets into the truck. She starts it up as Zach hops in smirking. They put their seat belts on then Zach tries to grab her hand. She quickly pulls away. She likes Zach but it wasn't in a romantic way. Since the drive was forty minutes, she turned on radio so it wouldn't be such an awkward drive. As she pulled out of the drive way, she could see Zach sigh against the window. This was going to be a long drive.

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