"Hey Princess." Victor's fire eyes catch and hold me in their stare like usual. I smile at him and reach for the chips he's holding.

"Aggele? How do you feel about taking Mercury to the dog park tonight. North's on a job and I think it would be good to socialize her with other dogs."

"She could come over and meet Max." Kota says before I can answer. I nod and lean back into Gabriel, resting my hands on his on my stomach.

"Tired?" He murmurs is my ear. I nod and sigh sticking one of my legs over his.

"Hey peanut? You ok?" Nathan asks sitting down. I nod and crack a smile.

I groan when the bell rings and take Silas' outstretched hand.

"Ready for biology?" I shake my head and lean into his side.


"Sang Sorenson please report to the office." I jerk my head up in response to the faceless voice on the intercom. Dr. Green turns to me with raised eyebrows and worried eyes taking a break from teaching Japanese. I shrug and get my stuff, worried about what I may have done.

I walk down the corridor and am half way there when Mr. Blackbourne intercepts me.

"Miss. Sorenson you have been called down to the office by Mr. Hendricks. I will be listening in on the entire conversation so you have no need to feel worried." He places his hand softly on the small of my back before walking away down another hall.

His small touch fans the fire that had been simmering since North excited me this morning and I bite my lip to keep myself from finding North and jumping his bones.

But he's ok with you finding one of his brothers... no, no, no, no, no. Bad Sang.

Stupid Hormones.

Dr. Green's POV

I watch from the cameras as Pookie sits uncomfortably in the chair across from Hendricks. She's been answering his questions for the last hour.

"Owen you got her all hot and bothered before she was in there, what pray tell did you do?" He glares at me and I smirk.

"How did you know she was "hot and bothered?" He asks with finger quotes. I smirk and point to my phone.

"I may have been sitting at my desk watching her in the office when the kids did work." I lean back in my chair stretching my arms out behind my head.

"And what was she doing in the office?" He tries to ask disinterested but it's obvious he is. I feel myself wanting to use humor. But know that he would skin me if i didn't tell him.

"She was shifting..." I leave it out there and watch the confusion and disappointment flood his normally emotional-less face.

"She was shifting? Really Sean shifting thats it?" He shakes his head at me.

"She was also flushed and breathing quicker." He rolls his eyes at me and I laugh.

"She could have been nervous." He informs me gesturing to the screen. I shake my head smiling. With a hormonal pregnant woman surrounded by nine attractive guys that are more than willing to show her affection, being horny is deffinetly on the top ten list of emotions for her.

"It looks like our bird is on the move my unusual friend." I tell Owen after fifteen minutes. He nods and gets up ready to retrieve her.

"Hey hey hey, how bout I pick up little Miss. Pookie." I say getting up and putting on my jacket he shrugs and sits back down.

"Go ahead." I smirk at him before walking out the door.

Sangs POV

I breath out an uneven breath while walking to gym. He kept me to long and now it's last period.

Mr. Hendricks was just rambling the first part of the meeting, but the last half got me scared.

He knows I'm pregnant. He told me that all schools get updates on big changes in health but I know that he couldn't have known because Dr. Green said that the school didn't need to know because I wasn't going to school here next year and they were getting me out of P.E.

"Miss. Sang." I tense and turn around out of habit. Mr. McCoy stands behind me, his hands behind his back while he stalks towards me.

"Mr. McCoy." I say cordially. He raises his eye brows and starts circling me.

"I heard that you are pregnant... how unfortunate." His beady eyes make me nervous and I blush.

My hands automatically go aroud my stomach to protect it. He was making me nervous with the circling and the way he was looking at my body. I knew that there was no way I could get away from him right now.

"I am." I confirm. There was no use in lieing to him when I was already starting to show. I am wearing one of Gabriels sweatshirts right now so he couldn't see the bump but eventually even one of Silas sweaters weren't going to be able to hide it.

"Which one if those boys is your baby daddy? Or do you even know?" My chest tightens with fear and disgust. Fear because he was starting to get closer, disgust because he was insinuating I was a whore. And even if I was having sex with all of them, it would be none of his business.

"Excuse me sir but I dont think harassing student is part of your job description." I say coolly. I feel my vision cloud when he takes a threatening step closer.

"Mr. McCoy!" I sigh with relief when I see Dr. Green. I feel myself wanting to smile when I see the anger on his face.

"Dr. Green I was in the middle of giving this young woman detention." He informs Dr. Green. Tears blur my vision and I wrap my arms more tightly around myself.

"For what. To my knowledge she just got out of the office after talking to Mr. Hendricks, all he had to talk to her about was the reason she was missing school, is that correct Miss. Sorenson." Dr. Green asks sharply. I nod quickly and take a step back from McCoy.

"Good. See Mr. McCoy, I do believe we are done here." Dr. Green gives me a sharp look that o don't like on him. I like his usual flirty calmness that seems to always around him, not this mean cold Dr. Green I'm sure came from hanging out with Mr. Blackbourne.

"Thank you." I whisper touching his arm softly. He shakes his head and grabs my hand pulling me quickly into one of the abandoned classrooms that litter this hallway.

"Jesus Christ!" Dr. Green swears once the door closes. I watch him as he paces.

"I could hear his damn voice echoing down the hallway." He tells me once he stops pacing. I nod and reach for his hand.

"I'm sorry." I tell him pulling him in for a hug. His teeth grind as he shakes his head.

"Nu uh none of that. This is my fault pookie. I should have gotten here faster." I shrug and pull his anger shaken bidy closet to mine.

I would never admit this to anyone but the way he stuck up for me and the way his green eyes had shone so brightly with a protective kind of anger got me excited.

"Theres no way you would have known that Mr. McCoy would be there. It's not your fault." I whisper rubbing his back. He shudders and pulls his head back shaking his head again. His hands slip down to my hips and I feel myself lean closer to him.

My heart stutters to a stop when I realize what I'm doing. If I kiss him it would be cheating and even if North said he didn't care, there was still a part of me that knew this was wrong.

"Miss. Sorenson? Dr. Green?" I pull myself out of Dr. Green's embrace and get myself together. Mr. Blackbourne's crisp professional voice brought me out of the spell Dr. Green. Seemed to have cast on me and I was ok now.

I wasn't thinking about kissing Dr. Green.

I wasn't thinking about how great his hands felt on my hips.

I deffinetly wasn't imagining the way his full lips would slant against mine.

My hands shake with shame as I wipe them on my pants. I deffinetly wasn't thinking, that was for sure.

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