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Shinya stumbles into his house, tired from his day at work. His face was all scratched up, and he was also sporting a split lip, and a few nicks on his arms. Not to mention the large cut across his lower calf. This was definitely the worst day yet, for Shinya anyways. He reaches into the cupboard for a glass before pouring himself some milk. Suddenly he feels hands slide around his waist. Shinya reached back to wrap his arms around Guren's neck.

"I missed you." Guren whispers into the younger's neck. Shinya hummed and leaned back into Guren's warm embrace. Fingers lifted Shinya's chin, tilting his head back, and Guren leaned down to kiss him. Guren took the opportunity to lick the blood from Shinya's split lip, the metallic taste spreading across his tongue. At this, the silverette turns around to push Guren away, silver brows furrowed.

"No sex tonight." he said in a hushed whisper, "I'm too tired for that." Guren only huffed, clearly upset. Still, he sweeps the younger off his feet, one arm under his knees, the other supporting his back, and carries him to the couch.

"How about we watch a movie then, hmm?" he hums, placing Shinya next to him, arms still around the sniper. Shinya just gives a sleepy nod, snuggling further into the ravenette's warmth, as if to steal all the heat from his body. Guren just chuckled, holding the silverette closer to his body, his back to Guren's chest.

Guren tangles his legs with Shinya's, barely meeting any resistance from the younger, who simply leans back more into Guren's arms. Just as they're settled, the swordsman realizes that the controller is on the coffee table, and the sniper in his arms is stopping him from reaching for it. He nudges Shinya's hair with his chin, "Come on Shinya," Guren groaned, "I have to get the remote to watch the movie." He could practically sense the silverette's frown.

When Shinya turns around, Guren can help but smile at how utterly adorable his boyfriend was. His bottom lip poking out, snow white eyebrows furrowed, crystal eyes lidded. A small yawn escaped Shinya's mouth, the sound eerily like a kitten's meow. The younger then pulled his legs up to his chest, his face nestled in the crook of Guren's neck. Honestly, Guren's arm is beginning to fall asleep.

He sighs, mentally preparing himself for the task of waking his lover up, as he'd fallen asleep using Guren's arm as a pillow. "Shinya." he cooed, "Come on idiot, time to get up." he said, raising his voice, if only by a little. After all, this is Shinya we're talking about. He's too precious for this world, even in Guren's eyes.

Shinya only shifts a little, scrunching up his nose before burrowing his face into Guren's chest. Guren chuckles. "I know you're up Shinya. Let's go to bed."

"No." is Shinya's childish retort, now wrapping his arms around Guren's neck, keeping him in place. The ravenette knew it was useless to argue with his boyfriend, especially when he was tired, because he was incredibly stubborn by nature. So instead he turns so that Shinya's head is resting on his right arm, his hand in silver locks. Guren's left arm circles around the sniper's waist, keeping him from slipping off the couch. Shinya makes a content sound, and Guren watches as he's slowly lead into the land of dreams.

He lays with his lover through the night, keeping him company, and soon, he also falls asleep.

Moonlight shines through the window illuminating the two, and anyone who saw them would tell you, that they were made for each other.


Word count: 602

I know the ending is bad ok but GraalianAnimes wanted something cute because I think I destroyed their soul by accident...

I'm sorry for that last one.

Welp imma leave so bye y'all!!!

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