Flashback To The First Day Of Secondary School

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A/N: I hope you get Emily-Mae's name reference, do you get it yet? Her full name is Emily-Mae Dixon. Got it yet?? DARYL DIXON from the walking dead!!!!!! Anyway... TO THE FLASHBACK!!!

_-+Emily-Mae's Point of View+-_

Monday Morning 07:02 AM

"Wake up Emily time for school." My mum said to me while shaking me gently "I don't want to go mum... What if the other kids think I'm weird because of my eyes... I got bullied for it for two years at junior school." I replied with pixie dust in my eye, blocking my view (A/N: if you don't know what pixie dust is, it is what I call that stuff that's in your eyes when you wake up in the morning. Just go with it) "Don't worry sweetpea, if anything happens you tell me and I'll go to the school and get it stopped immediately. Anyway, people could like your eyes too, people aren't always negative you know?" my mum says reassuringly, carefully getting the pixie dust out of my eye. After five minutes of laying in my bed with my mum by my side playing with my dirty blonde hair like she always does so gently, not hurting me at all and I know how knotty my hair is in the morning. She soon left me to get changed, I walked to my wardrobe trying, not to trip on all the clutter on my bedroom floor, I searched for my uniform it was a challenge I will admit, my wardrobe is very full these days. It's like a Narnia full of clothes in there! (A/N: In England we wear uniform at school unless it is non-uniform or a special occasion, only 6th form wear normal clothes.) I got changed in about thirty seconds and dragged my feet downstairs, don't judge me okay!! It takes me a while to move sometimes! As I entered the kitchen I was greeted by the unusual smell of fresh pancakes with raspberry's. "Hey.... What's with the pancakes? Is dad getting a promotion or something?" I questioned "Nope!! I'm just in the mood for pancakes... Oh! Who am I kidding! I am celebrating you going to secondary school! Only five more years until you stop growing, or if you're lucky twelve. But who cares about that? Lets just have a good, tasty breakfast!!" My mum said with enthusiasm. I could tell I was going to stop growing at 16 because I am getting tall pretty fast. If you didn't know, growing faster than a normal pace is a sign you'll stop growing at 16. Here I'll give an example, The average person with eternal youth that stops aging at 16 grows at a very fast pace and by the time they're 16 they are around 6ft1 and the average person with eternal youth that stops growing at 22 years of age are about 5ft9 by the age of 16 because they still have time to get taller. I gobbled down my breakfast pretty fast, brushed my teeth then my hair, did my makeup and left for school. Luckily my school wasn't very far from my house so I could walk there. When we went inside I was amazed by how big the school is, luckily they let us have a look around before class... Of course the first place I went to was the gym, not because I'm fat but because I have a passion for dance . I knew they had a dance studio somewhere in the gym so I had a quick look around and I found it pretty soon. I headed strait to a bar and started stretching. Stretching has always made me calm, I used to do it before I headed to school considering they didn't have a dance studio at my junior school, at least it means I can get up later because I had to get up at 06:30 in the morning to have room in my schedule to stretch.


The bell went, well time for class lets hope for the best... I headed to my English class luckily we didn't get homework on the first week because we were doing a lot in the time span of one hour, it was really hard to keep up. Then there was maths. Stupid, stupid maths. I've never been good at it but we all have to put up with at least one stupid thing in life and it's pretty obvious that mine is maths. To be honest maths was pretty easy it was just the four main operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.) Lunch was a tough time, as I thought.. People were making fun of me because of my eyes, because of that I thought I would end my lunchtime in the bathroom crying my eyes out until this girl with blonde hair came up to me with the sweetest smile I've ever seen. "That's funny, you have the same eye colour as me." She said to me, her voice was the most soothing voice I had ever heard "Do you have *sniff* *sniff* eternal youth?" I said in-between tears "You do too don't you?" She said to me "yes." I said as my tears slowly cleared "The names Jennifer but people call me Jenna, I know what you're going through. I am bullied for it too, but we're stronger than them! We have eternal life for gods sake. While they're lying in a coffin in 100 years we'll still be alive! As long as we have each other to love... We'll be fine." She explained "Wow Jenna, I just realised something. They are just mean people who have no idea what we're capable of! By the way, my names Emily-Mae but people call me either Emily or Emma or Em or whatever" I said more calmly "I can already tell that we're made for each other..."


Heyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!! Well I'm back everyone! This is a flashback by the way so right now Emily is 16 but this is in the past so yeah!!! OMG I just realised I have over 1000 words in this chapter! YAYYYYY

Love Ya My Potatoes!

Oh and the character thing is still on, check my last chapter for the info



Emily and Jenna, A Story of Eternal Youth... !ON HOLD!Where stories live. Discover now