Chapter One

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"How do you put up with Sierra?" David asked while he turned a page in his textbook. "I go by her rules." I grabbed my backpack. Class is about to start. "I would've dumped her controlling ass." He chuckled. I checked the time. "We should get to class." I mentioned.

We left our dorm room. David and I have been friends since we were little. We didn't always go to the same school. "Damn she's fineee." I looked at a girl that was talking to her friend. "You got a girlfriend." David reminded me. "I don't give a fuck." We approached them.

"Hey ladies. How y'all doing?" David spoke. They stopped their conversation and looked at us. "We good." One of the girls said. "I'm David and this is my friend Trevor." David spoke. "I'm Zendaya and this is Sharon." Zendaya introduced. David started talking to Sharon. "You're cute ma." I mentioned.

"Um... thanks." She blushed and looked down. "Can I get ya number?" I asked. She took a long time to answer. I think she's the shy type.

"Sure." She put her digits on my phone. "Thanks." I said. David was still flirting with Sharon. "Dude we gotta go. I'm not about to be late to class." I told him. "Alright." We said bye to the girls.

It's second term. Zendaya is in one of my classes. I want to be a lawyer and so does Zendaya. My class just ended. I waited for Zendaya at her next class. "What's up?" She asked. "I thought we could get to know each other better." I suggested.

"I can't. I've gotta work." She said. "Where do you work?" I asked. "The Bay Café." She spoke. "I'll take you." I suggested. "You don't have to." She told me. "I insist." I said. "Ok. Let me drop my stuff at my room." We walked out of the school and then we walked to her dorm room.

"What do you like to do?" I questioned. "Go to the movies. Play basketball and shop." She answered. "I can definitely beat you at basketball." I stated. "Oh really?" She said. "We can go to the park tomorrow to test your theory." She nodded.

I started playing basketball when I was about eight. My uncle thought me how to play. I didn't like it at first but I later did.

We arrived at her dorm room. She opened her door. "You should wait outside. I've gotta change my shirt." She told me. "Alright." I waited outside. I used my phone until she came out. She came out a few minutes later. "You look beautiful." I said. She blushed. The ride was short to her work.

"What time should I pick you up?" I wondered. "At six." She told me. "Ok. Bye." I spoke. "Bye." She smiled. I am really feeling her. Sierra was walking this way. I put my head down hoping she didn't see me.

Sierra knocked on my window. I rolled down the window. "Who's that slut?" Sierra asked. "She's not a slut." I gritted. "Who is she?" She crossed her arms. "She's just a friend." I stated. "Well, you can't be around her no more." She decided. I can't let her run all over me. I make decisions for myself.

"You don't tell me who I can't hang out with. I'm done with you controlling me." I ended. I rolled up my window and backed out the car before she could say anything. I need to be someone that lets me be me.
"What's up?" David asked. I put my backpack on my bed then I sat on my bed. "I broke up with Sierra." I revealed. David opened up his laptop. "How does that feel?" He asked me. "It feels good." I told him what happened.

"That's why you shouldn't date controllive women." I nodded. I can't do that again. I opened up my books and did some homework while David continued doing something on his laptop.

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