Chapter 2

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"Riles, you sure you don't want some eggs?" With his mouth stuffed with food, Ross looked at me from across the table, yolk dribbling down his chin. I gulped, my mouth clamped shut as I wrapped my arms around my stomach. "You have to eat. You're eating for two now." 

"You try eating when all you feel like doing is throwing up." I deadpanned. "And could you please wipe your chin? You're eating like a child."

With raised eyebrows, he grabbed a napkin and wiped away the yellow substance. "Someone's moody."

"Someone's tired." I corrected. "I don't know why they call it morning sickness. It's more like all day and night sickness. I was up most of the night puking my guts up." 

"Why didn't you call me?"

"What would that do? You can't rush over here at three in the morning just because I'm throwing up." I grabbed a saltine cracker from the sleeve beside me, slowly taking small bites. "This kid better be freakin' cute."

Ross laughed, getting up to put his dirty dish in the sink. "It's half you and me, it'll be freakin' adorable. Did you know my mom is already buying clothes?"

I smiled, not shocked at all that Stormie would do that. "She did the same thing when Riker and Savannah announced they were pregnant." I grabbed another cracker, thankful it was helping with the nausea. "How surprised were your parents when you told them I was pregnant?" Ross had told his parents and the rest of his siblings the same day I told mine. 

"I don't think surprised would be able to describe it." He said. "They never thought you and I would...well, you know. But they're happy."

I never thought we would have sex, either

"Mine are, too. I never thought they'd be excited to be grandparents." I chuckled slightly. "But you should've seen my mom. She was squeezing me so tight I thought I was going to break a rib." For a tiny woman, my mom was incredibly strong. 

"My mom squealed like there was no tomorrow and my siblings tackled me. I think I got you beat." Opening the fridge, he grabbed the can of ginger ale and placed it in front of me. "Can I ask you a quick question?" I nodded, opening the can to take a sip. "Why did you bring Rydel with you to the doctor and not ask me? Why didn't you tell me you suspected you were pregnant?"

I didn't miss the slight hurt flashing across his features as he tried to seem nonchalant. "I was scared, Ross. I was absolutely terrified." Without thinking, I grabbed his hand from across the table to give it a squeeze. "I never thought this would happen, okay? When I thought I was pregnant, all I could think was that you were going to leave and never talk to me again. And I know I sound crazy right now," I added before he could interrupt. "but I am sorry for not telling you. You deserved to know." 

"I just don't understand why you would think I would run." He shrugged, rubbing his nose with the back of his hand. "You're my best friend, Riles. We've been best friends for twenty-five years. You know me better than anyone."

"I know, I know." I sighed, rubbing my eyes tiredly. "But do you realize what having a baby means? What are you going to do when you find yourself a girlfriend? Girls don't entirely like the idea of dating another man when he has a kid with someone else." I couldn't even count the amount of times a girl broke up with Ross because they thought he and I liked each other. I hated being the cause for his relationships ending. 

"Do you seriously think I care about dating right now?" He asked in disbelief. I kept my mouth shut. "Riley, you and the baby are all I care about. I'd choose you and our kid over any girl. Don't forget that." 

"You say that now, but what happens when you're ready to settle down in a few years and the two of us are holding you back?" 

"Would you stop it?" He glared harshly at me. "Stop acting like I'm gonna run just because you're pregnant. I'm not leaving you alone to raise our baby alone. Do you really take me for some deadbeat guy who would leave just because he can't date?"

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