Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

'Dad it wasn't my fault he locked me in a bloody cupboard!'

I had been trying to explain what had happened since we got in the car to drive home, he wasn't listening.

'I don't care what he did it doesn't give you the right to act like a thug!'

He was really angry, I gave up on telling him the same thing again and again, he wasn't on my side. He betrayed me.

When we arrived home he told me to go to my room and not come down until dinner was ready. What an arse, who believes a complete stranger over their own daughter! I was angry, angrier than I had ever been in my whole life! It's not enough that him and mum turned my world upside down but now he was treating me like a little kid, I'd get my own back, karmas a bitch as they say.

Later that evening I hear a light knock on my door, usually dad just walks in but I guess he knows I'm not happy with him.

'Harper, can I come in?'

I don't answer and he comes in any way, what is it with grownups, so impatient.

'Look I'm sorry if I was a little harsh earlier but I was surprised at your behaviour, you can't go around punching everyone who does something bad to you.'

I couldn't help but stare at him, my mouth wide with shock, why was he still taking that arseholes side? I decided to completely ignore him and keep pretending to read my book, I had been staring at the same page for 20 minutes, I doubt he'd notice. Once he got the hint, he left without saying a word and headed back downstairs. I felt slightly bad but not enough to go after him and apologise, I had done nothing wrong.

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