Chapter 13 - Ew......Kabuto >¡<

Start from the beginning

At the moment I was sleeping, not like I've got anything else to do. Being a ninja, I'm a pretty light sleeper so even a sound as quiet as that caught my attantion.

When I lifted my head wearily, I saw some smoke rising from a corner where the chair was. Yes, I was sleeping on the floor. Don't judge!

Was there a fire? Wait a drawings are in that corner!

Realizing this, I quickly leapt to my feet and rushed to the corner. I had concealed them with the chair so Orochimaru wouldn't see it. Fearing for the worst, I pulled out the drawings from behind the object and nearly dropped them when I noticed something.

They were all in a pile, stacked on top of each other, yet orange and yellow flames were only on one. When I pulled out the drawing and checked to see which one it was my dark blue eyes nearly bulged out of my head.

What? What could this mean? First of all, pieces of paper don't just randomly set on fire. Second of all, how come none of the drawings caught fire like the one I was holding? Third of all, of all my drawings, why was it this one that is on fire?

It was the one where Orochimaru had his snake wrapped tightly around Itachi.........I don't like where this is going.

Did this mean there was no possibility of that happening........or that it already happened?

My new fishnet tank top began to stick to my stomach as I began to perspire. Fear filled my senses and I found myself wanting to leave, to go and make sure this wasn't happening.

Being so consumed in my worry-filled thoughts, I hardly noticed Kabuto's entrance.

"Amarante." he said, opening the door. I jumped in surprise and quickly sat on my drawings so he wouldn't see. Being Orochimaru's lapdog he's sure to report about it to him. "Come out and spar."

I blinked. Spar? With him? My eyes scanned his lanky body and I felt doubt. I know judging others by their appearance was wrong......but seriously, this kid was sad. I doubt he'll be able to injure me.

Oh, and by the way, I didn't burn my ass or anything. By the time I sat on it it was completely burnt into nothing.

Not voicing my thoughts, I nodded mutely and waved my hand, indicating he should go and I'll catch up with him. After he nodded and left, I hid my drawings again and scampered up to catch up to him.

When I joined him in the hallway I realized he didn't know how to mask his emotions. Orochimaru knew how and always did and I didn't get many visitors so it's been a while since I've felt other's emotions. Of coarse I get small readings from people around me but those emotions were always either greed or anger.

Ewewewewewewewewdwewewewew!!!!!!! Oh my gosh, I think I just gagged a little in the back of my mouth! His emotions were......attraction.......towards me.

Gross!!!!! That's nasty, Kabuto likes me! Think I'm overreacting? Well I don't! This guy's a creep with no life! I seriously thought he had a gay crush on Orochimaru! And now it turns out he likes me.....

I don't feel so good right now.

My face might have shown how I was feeling because Kabuto turned to look at me. "You don't look so well. Don't be nervous, I'll go easy on you." he promised, putting a "reassuring" arm on my shoulder. Note to self: burn shoulder.

Pfft, me, nervous, of him? In his dreams! Oh Kami I hope not, that would be beyond creepy if he dreamt of me. 0-o

When we arrived to what must be the training grounds I noticed a lot of blood splattering covered the ground. I'm not scared though; if someone's blood was going to be spilt it would be his!

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