If I Fell...

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I sat in the bathroom floor drawing a picture. Of what? I didn't know. My other hand lay on my thigh. I was at school, and should have been in History but decided I did not want to go. I would rather be here drawing and thinking of lyrics to different chords.
"Boys, I don't think anyone's in here." I heard a older males voice say. I was in 11th grade but looked the age of 15. A group of boys walked in all wearing leather boots. The heels hit the floor with each step they took closer to my stall. These boys who came into the girls bathroom were the teddy boys and they were always getting into trouble. My best friend was actually one.
"Is anyone in here?" The boy asked. I saw one of the boots start to tap to the beat of something.
"I guess we are safe."
I hid under the sink since I was in the handicap bathroom. My eyes finally wandered to the bathroom lock. It wasn't closed.
"Crap..." I muttered under my breath as I quietly creeped to lock it. Just as my fingers hit the lock, in marched one of the boys.
"Are you deaf?" The boy said to me as he cracked his knuckles.
"No..." I stated showing that I wasn't afraid of him.
In walked another boy. He had chestnut eyes and dark brown hair with a quiff on top. He was taller, probably a year older than me. The other boy who had approached me earlier was about the same height as me if not an inch taller. He had brownish hair in a quiff with blue eyes. He looked very young but was probably the same age as the other boy.
"Leave her be, Mike. Go to your brother."
The boy who apparently went by Mike left the stall, with his thumbs in his pocket.
"I apologize for that." The boy muttered to me.
I turned around shoved my stuff in my bag quickly and turned back around.
"Whatever..." I mumbled annoyed with the teddy boys.
"I don't think I caught your name, love?"
"Jane Witherell. Don't bother me though. I don't need to get involved with guys like you."
The boy chuckled
"You can call me Lennon. I was just simply asking, dear. No need to get mad." He said casually leaning against the door, not letting me past.
"I don't want to fool around Lennon."
I pushed the boy causing him to lose his balance and let me by.
As I left the boys all whistled. I glared at them, making all of them silent. One face looked familiar. It was Paul. And that Mike was his brother. He looked at me apologetically.
I decided to then go to the cafeteria, since I wouldn't be bothered there.
It's a good thing I gave that Lennon kid my sisters name and not mine.
In the corner of the cafeteria sat another girl. She had fluffy blonde hair and was wearing a long pink skirt that stopped at her ankles. Her shirt was as black as night. Around her neck was a pink tie.
"Hello?" I heard a voice call to me. It was the girl who I had saw.
"What do you want?" She stuttered. I had realized it was dark and she probably thought I was a teacher or something.
"I'm just a skipper. Don't worry." I said louder than I probably should have. No one heard obviously since we were alone. I came up closer to her and finally was towering over her.
"Do you know Lennon, by any chance?" I ask questioning the girl.
"I wish I didn't. He broke my heart. Johns a pig" She said in her little innocent voice.
"Well, he looks like trouble. More than I'm used to."
"What's your name?"
"Amelia. You, Blondie?"
"Cynthia. Your friends with Paul aren't you?"
Paul and I had been friends since the beginning of high school. I was getting picked on and he kind of came and helped me. I loved him like a brother.
"I'm going to leave. I need to get to class. Bye, Amelia!"
She waved with excitement.
"Bye Blondie."
She jumped up and ran, with bag in hand.
I sighed as I lifted my sketchbook out my bag. I began to draw on a new sheet the scene I had just saw with Lennon. Or should I say John.
"Get to class!" I heard a teacher tell from the hallways. I crawled like a baby under one of the tables so he wouldn't see me. He peeked his head in through the door, but left soon after when a group of kids threw a water ballon at him. I recognized one of them as John.
"Skipping again, 'Melia?" I looked up to see a friendly face greeting me.
"Yes, Paul. Nothing interests me. It's boring. What's wrong with skipping. At least I'm not like him." I pointed my finger toward John. He was being chased by the same teacher he threw the water ballon at. Paul laughed followed by me.
"At least you have a future Amelia. We don't!"
I put my hand in the air, which Paul soon grabbed and pulled me up.
"I'm just telling you what's best." He said.
Even though he wasn't the smartest boy, he sure knew how to push people over.
"Fine, Fine."
I got up my bag on my back.
"I'll go. Luckily it's 7th period and there's only....10 minutes left."
Who was I kidding. I wasn't going to class. By the time I got there the bell would ring. I'll just relax over there.
He gave me a kiss on my cheek and sent me out.

There wasn't a lot of kids on my bus. I was walking to the bus circle with Paul.
"Hey, since it's Friday do you want to go to a dance hall. Maybe do a little dancing?"
He imitated the girls, who danced at the halls, doing all silly little dance moves.
"That actually sounds great. I'm in the mood to dance tonight."
He looked a little surprised but in the end nodded in agreement.
"I'll come by at 7."
"Sounds great."
He left me with a hug. Then I saw him bolt to his group of friends, who all rode the same bus.
I got on my bus which at the time had about 20 kids on it. I went to the way back and sat alone like usual. I had my knees at my chest, with my head laying on the window. After a minute or so a boy came and sat next to me.
"Hey, is this seat taken?" A shy voice stated.
"Uh no. Go ahead sit." I then looked up to see a smaller boy, who looked maybe a year younger than me.
"My name is George."
"Amelia." I blatantly whispered afraid someone might overhear me.
He was shorter than me maybe by an inch. He had brown blackish hair with brown eyes. His most distinct feature would either be his accent or his teeth. His teeth were crooked but he was cute.
"Are you a friend of Paul-"
"Yeah. How'd ya know?"
"We both play guitar in band. Well should I say he plays bass and I play guitar. He's really good bassists"
"He's trying to teach me but I don't catch on easily."
George chuckled and then went back to looking around.
"What grade are you Amelia?"
"11th. You?"
"You look young. I'm in 10th."
"I always have. I don't know why but I just do." I hissed angrily.
George started to look upset.
"You are very pretty, though. I like how you look."
We both talked for a little longer and then it was my stop.
"Bye Amelia!!" He waved at me.
"Bye George."
I walked down the steps and out to the street where Lennon stood.
"What are you doing here John?"
He looked a little taken back by me knowing his name.
"Just coming to see you, AMELIA."
I knew he would figure out my name sooner later so I just grinned.
"Why didn't you tell me your real name?"
I didn't respond. I just continued to walk trying to ignore John, who continue to follow me.
"Could you leave please?"
"I ain't doing no harm am I?" John asked.
"You are bothering me, that's what you are doing."
"Sorry Beautiful."
I pushed him away and continued to walk home.

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