Chapter 2

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Hunter jolts up, looking around, his breathing fast but at a pace.
"What am I home?"
He jumps out of bed having nothing but shorts on as he walks into the bathroom, turning on the light. He turns on the water and looks up into the mirror. He runs his fingers through his medium length hair as his eyes open up.
One of his eyes was a shade of red, while the other was a shining golden yellow. He rubs his eyes in hopes that he was just tired and that he was just seeing things.
"No...No...No! This is not happening. This is unreal" he says as he continues to rub his eyes.
After a few minutes he finally drops his hands, giving up on trying to prove his theory. He walks into his room and sighs, sitting down on the edge of his bed.
"What the fuck is going on....Last thing I remember....I was falling..."
He groans and falls back, covering his face with his pillow. He then jolts back up as he hears his phone ring. The ring was some nineties retro song that was really catchy. He looks at the number before picking up the phone.
"Hello...?" He says his voice raspy but audible.
"Wake your ass up boy. Time for you to go to fucking school and learn! Now meet me by the park or else" The other person ends the call, leaving Hunter confused yet interested. He gets up and puts on a red shirt, soon looking for a pair of jeans. After a few minutes of opening drawers he sighs and grabs a pair of shorts, changing the ones he had on. He grabs his bookbag and walks over to his window opening it up.
"I'm avoiding all confrontations with my brother and sister until all of this gets sorted out" he mumbles as he grabs his black converse, sliding them on.
He then grabs his headphones and watch as he climbs through the window and onto the roof. He then slides down the roof, remembering things from his parkour class, and onto the grass where he starts walking towards the park. He sticks his headphones in his ear and starts to listen to Linkin Park- Breaking the Habit as he sticks his hands into his pocket.
"What the hell is going on. I don't get this...." He mumbles to himself as a shadow appears behind him.
He stops and rolls his eyes knowing who was behind him.
"Jose....I know you're behind me" he says as he turns around, putting his hands on his hips.
"Awh shucks! You ain't no fun mi amor!" the tall, skinny, golden haired boy said as he laughed.
Hunter rolls his eyes again and turns around, continuing to walk. Jose coughs and walks fast, trying to catch up.
"You look nice today Hunter...."
"I look like this everyday Jose."
"Yea're hair is looking very um...fluffy today!"
"Stop trying to flirt....I might be bisexual but you're just my friend"
Jose laughs and rubs the back of his head, feeling a little hurt on the inside.
"If you're my true friend....tell me what you know about me Hunter!"
Hunter stops in his tracks and looks up at the boy, being a bit shorter than him.
"You're full name is Jose Rodriguez. You're sixteen years of age and is a juior at Duckvile Highschool. You're Puerto Rican and Dominican. You have golden curls and you dress like a bad boy to impress all the boys."
Jose smirks and shakes his head.
"I'm just Puerto Rican" he says as he looks to his side, seeing his friends calling him over.
"I'll see you later cutie...." he says, jogging over to the direction of his friends.
"Yea right..." Hunter mumbles under his breath as he looks towards the park.
He squints seeing a dark figure in the distance. He rubs his eyes and blinks a few times before squinting again as the figure wasn't there. 'Whatever' he thought to himself as he continued to walk down towards the park

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