1.) Come Away With Me.

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I hate starting all over again.

It is difficult and strange and you have to do all the old things... all over again, unless you've been told to do new things then that's a total "yes" for me.

I hate moving on. It is hard. It is difficult. It is exhausting. You are at the edge of the edge of your seat. I think it sucks and nobody should try to make it sound any better.

You know i dream in colour and i do the things i want.

So you can imagine how it felt when i woke up in Maine, in the middle of the day, with a note attached to my foot.

To Tori,
This is for the crazy stupid things we did last night.

I know... Pendo loves to sign off like that. He thinks it is funny. His name means Love, so he signs off twice as "Love" and he has no qualms about it. That stupid idiot!!!

So i'm in Maine and i don't know what to do next... or do i?

PS: Better get inside as soon as you wake up. It is always raining in Maine. Everything you need is in the cabin. Please don't call me until i call you.

Did i also tell you that Pendo is a stupid guy who so happens to be my fiancé? Yes, we've been on and off for years and we (well, he) have (has) managed to find a cure for cancer. He tried it out on me, and no, it isn't vampire blood.

I heard thunder and looked up. It was going to rain, just as he had predicted. Even when he was so far away, he still got the weather right.

I hurried into the house just as the first drop fell, and many more rushed to join their fallen comrade. The beautiful shower made me want to cuddle as i watched television. I wasn't the kind to sit and watch rain drops chase each other down the glass windows. That was more Sabrina's forté. I was all about telly and food and fighting. And hitching rides in Sabby's tours, and everyone loved it when i visited.

Did i tell you that Sabby and Seev have been reconnecting? Yes, it has been about seven years since they last spoke to each other. Their fights used to be crazy after they broke up. Then Sabrina went on to make some great albums, four to be exact. Seev and the rest of the boys also did a hugely publicised tour that earned them alot of money after Seev and Nate made and released their debut albums.  Seev and Sabby tweeted back and forth more than once- on birthdays, about LMFCC, on successes at the award ceremonies... but they never ever met in public.

Till a month ago.

It had been an ordinary day in Sabrianator land: Sabrina Dhahabu Hearst had just gotten nominated for another Grammy, two TCAs, three KCAs and two MOBOs just to name a few. She was on tour and had been insistent on not going especially since Hailey got her a custom-made Kiko Romeo dress. Honestly, i didn't understand the fuss. Sabby and Seev were both nominated for Song of The Year. Seev's song was titled, "The Difference" while hers was "Outside."

I still remember what happened after that. She won the award but i picked it up on her behalf. She was down in Santa Monica by the beach (oh she loves beaches) and guess who she met.

"Tori, are you okay?" The television asks, well, technically it isn't the television but really, who is keeping score??? Not me! This is the diary of her "Hearst On The Line: Four Cities, Twelve Shows Extended Tour" which became a movie. There's been quite a number of movies after that, because she went on three world tours after 'Still Figuring It Out.'

So, where were we again? Oh. Sabby and Seev got back together. Okay, come away with me. Quietly. Yes. Come away with me.

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