the tree

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hi my name is Nadine i live in a small town i am an only child and only have a dad. my mum died when i was really small. this story will show you how my life changed forever.

"come on Nadine we gotta get going" my dad was shouting from the bottom of the stair case whilst i was done packing 

"coming dad keep your hair on" I  laughed i opened the door wheeling the suitcase out. dad climbed the stairs to help me "thanks" i huffed gosh that thing was heavy we made it down the stairs, dad went to put the case in the removal van whilst i stayed back to say my final goodbye to the house where i took my first step, where i said my first word, to the house that held so many memories. i looked towards the kitchen and remembered my tenth birthday when dad had attempted to make a cake he had decorated the whole kitchen the cake hadn't looked edible dad threw it away and decided to make pancakes instead he wrote happy birthday in green frosting green had always been my favorite colour i smiled at the memory i looked towards the sitting room (A/N lounge) and remembered the party my friends and i had, i had nearly gotten my first kiss did i mention the party was chaperoned embarrassment alert. i had to laugh at that memory. i then looked towards the stairs and remembered two days after the party when Michelle and i were sitting on the stairs trying to decide which guy in our class was cute and which guy wasn't oh my Michelle i'm going to miss her she came by yesterday and we hugged each other crying for ten minutes we went through a box of Kleenex 

"come on Nadine i wanna get there before sunset i'm working tomorrow" my dad shouted from outside.

i let out a breath and wiped away the tears that had fallen said goodbye silently and left i locked the door and threw the key into the neighbours letterbox. I got into the car. 

"you okay?" dad asked with his hand on my shoulder. i nodded not trusting my voice

"buckle-up sweetheart" i did my seat belt and we were off. I took my book out of the glove compartment and started to read the journey from Glasgow to Bolton was nearly 7 hrs long i had two chapters left when dad announced we had arrived i got out of the car after putting my book into my bag. dad threw me the keys i smiled to show i was okay. i didn't want to upset him i went up the drive way the house looked fairly big from outside i unlocked the door and stepped into what looked like a small conservatory it was glass i took off my shoes and walked through the door. The stairs were on my left and on the right was a door that led to sitting/dining room up ahead was the utility room and next to the utility room on the left was a pantry i went into the sitting room which now had our new oak furniture and a sofa (couch) that was oak coloured the walls were cream and the carpet was beige i walked further into the room and on the left was a door that led into the kitchen. it was pretty big the floor was black marble the worktops and cupboards were white and the walls were white tiled i looked through the window, which consisted of the whole wall being glass, and saw the garden there was no grass just paving stone but there was a big tree in the middle i could imagine myself sitting under that tree reading a book yes  i loved reading. towards the left there was a shed that even had electricity the previous owners had a freezer in there i heard a vehicle outside then my dad came in announcing that the removal van had arrived.

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