Chapter 7: Knowing Her Past

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, Ace, I think goes without saying that your coming with me. I can't leave without you anyway, you follow me."

Ace snuffed in acrimony, but walked along Azlyn anyway. Together, they walked for a bit, until Azlyn decided that she didn't want to walk two legs for a while. She morphed into a wolf that matched Ace, and they jogged along the sidewalk towards Jazmine's house.

Azlyn and Ace speed outside a mansion like house, where Azlyn turned back into a girl, and leaned down to pet Ace.

"I'm gonna need you to stay out here for awhile, bud. I'll get you when we're ready."

Ace growled a bit at this, but laid on the ground anyway, distending his body across the damp plants.

Azlyn draped her bag over her shoulder, and transformed into a small cat. She launched herself into the tree, clinging onto it with her claws. She eventually landed on Jazmine's window ledge. She turned back into a girl, crouching to keep her fragile balance. She rapped lightly on the door, waiting for Jazmine to open it. The teen came around the corner, and looked taken aback by the sight of a girl on her window rim. 

She yanked open the window, and Azlyn crawled in, landing like a cat. She stood up, and slid off the bag.

"Jeez, took you long enough, I've been on that window edge for the past thirty minutes."

Jazmine shot her a sarcastic smile, but noticed her serious face.

"No kidding?"

"Yeah, I mean, you called me, and I only pretended to be in my room. Also, your window is pretty sound proof, congrats."

Jazmine gave her a weird look.

"I mean it. I was here. I love the concept of sleep. Especially watching people sleep, it fascinates me to no end. You fall into a condition of body and mind which occurs for several hours every night, the nervous system is relatively inactive, your eyes are closed, the postural muscles are relaxed, and consciousness is suspended, allowing me to watch without being disturbed. I also love camouflage, the concept of observing without detected by the scrutinizing eyes of society."

She said all this without blinking her eyes. Jazmine backed away.
"Are you going all Twilight on me?"

Azlyn laughed, and bent down to pick her bag.

"Glad you get the joke. People are normally freaked out after that."

Jaz glanced down the hallway for a second, then back to Azlyn. 

"Hey, I gotta go change, you can explore my room a bit if you'd like." Jazmine left, leaving Azlyn alone in the giant room.

The walls were black, the notebooks were black, pretty much everything was black. Jazmine liked the non-color very much, that was clear.

"Jaz, why is everything black?" Azlyn yelled down the hall.

"I like the color!" She yelled back.

"Black's not a color. Black absorbs all the colors of the visible spectrum and reflects none of them to the eyes. White, however, is a color, for it reflects light-"

"It's too early for this shit! Stop spouting nerd speak, and let me change. We need to hurry up, we have to go to school."

Azlyn groaned. She forgot about school. She had wanted to stay home, but that clearly wasn't an option with Jazmine around. Azlyn resumed studying Jazmine's wall. Along it were posters of pretty much everything you'd think a teenage girl would like. Famous bands, singers, games, things like that. Mostly Suicide Squad and Deadpool.

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