Chapter Three: Birthday

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Jazmine fit well into Azlyn's group. Kylee took to her immediately, and ruined her life by introducing her to Dan and Phil. Ashton thought she was cool, and Azlyn was happy Jaz fit in. After a few weeks, the two were best friends. Azlyn knew Jazmine's birthday was coming up, and because of her skill in woodwork, Azlyn spent her time making things for Jazmine. A small heart, a message on wood in German, making small animals. Azlyn was busy most of the time. Azlyn already knew of Jazmine's birthday, but despite this, she still caught on that Jaz was dropping hints that it was her birthday. They basically went in Kylee's ear, and out the other. Ashton never really paid attention to anything with Kylee, and vice versa. Jaz seemed kinda disappointed, but never lost hope. As her birthday drew nearer, Jaz caught wind of a party being planned. Assuming it was her friends from school finally catching onto her hint, Jazmine was happy her friends paid attention to her. Especially her boyfriend, Atlas, and her best friend, Alexander.

Both on the football team, Jazmine loved them both, though she was with Atlas. He had a cute blonde, curly hair, and he could be really sweet. Alexander, on the other hand, had brown, straight hair, and was very smart at kind. Jazmine heard when the party was being planned, and made it a point to be there. She thought it strange that only Atlas was talking, making plans, but she put it aside. She bought a nice dress, and shoes, and made her way to the party with makeup all done. Walking up to the small set of doors on the small, old building, Jazmine knocked on the door, and was surprised when it opened. She walked through the door, and you know the clichés where the lights are off, then they are turned on, and everyone shouts out?

That didn't happen. Jax walked through the door, and was greeted by........paint. Jazmine was now covered in paint, and when she wiped t out of her eyes, she was affronted with the sight of Atlas and his friends holding a bucket of paint. 

There was a smile on Atlas's face, but he erased it. He was about to ask Jaz what she was doing here, when Jazmine saw the sing.

Congratulations, Alexander!


This was for him.

Not her.

She didn't give Atlas a chance to speak. She raced from the house, tears almost spilling from her eyes, and she arrived at a house she knew well. 

Azlyn's. She knocked, and Azlyn's mom answered it.

"Jazmine! Are you okay, you look-Why are you covered in paint?"

"Long story, is Azlyn here?" Jazmine asked.

Azlyn's mom nodded.

"She's in the shop out back." Jazmine gave her thanks, and walked around back, almost breaking her ankle when she tripped on a plank of wood. She limped around it, and saw that the yard was littered with them. She followed them, and eventually saw Azlyn.

Well, what she assumed was Azlyn was actually not. Sitting, well laying, in the corner of the small shed filled with tools, was a black cat with heterochromic eyes.

 Sitting, well laying, in the corner of the small shed filled with tools, was a black cat with heterochromic eyes

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Jazmine stared inquisitively at the small being, and preceded to shake the cat awake. It rolled over, and stretched. It looked up at Jaz, and stared. Then ran out of the shed with a surprising speed. Jazmine watched as it ran around the corner of the house. A few seconds later, Azlyn walked around the corner. Jazmine looked at Azlyn's eyes, and they looked like the strange cat's eyes. A second later, Azlyn blinked, and her heterochromic eyes changed back to their original colors. Az looked at the other teen.

"Hey, Jaz, what's up-Why are you covered in paint?"

Jaz opened her mouth to not only respond, but question the cat, but Azlyn shushed her.

"I can tell it's a long story, so tell me after I get you cleaned up." Azlyn lead her into the house, careful of Jazmine's bad ankle.

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