I smiled, knowing what he said was true. Ever since that day in the coffee shop, I'd known. I was lucky, I really was. Out of the billions of girls out there, Austin had chosen me. No, we may not be together forever, but I was determined to keep him for as long as I possibly could. He was not only my idol, because I'd been a supporter of him since the beginning, but he was the reason that I was alive. He had saved my life on multiple occasions, and I'd stopped self harming for him, because he helped me realize that doing that to myself was not going to change the fact that my mother was gone or that my family had once hated me. Now, when I hear of or see Mahomies that self harm, I show them what I went through and help them believe that they can do it, they don't have to harm themselves anymore. Yes, I believe that one day I'm going to have to fight for Austin because he's going to meet a beautiful girl, and possibly like her. But that's normal, I've crushed on other guys while dating Austin. You can't help the kind of feelings you get. I would never leave Austin, ever.    

   "Babe?" he said, pulling me out of my daydream.


   He handed me my plate, and I got off the counter to get the syrup.

   "Thinking?" he asked, smiling.

   "Yeah." I smiled, kissing his cheek before heading to the living room.

   "Care to tell me what about?" he followed.

   "Just how lucky I am to have you." I grinned up to him. 

   He was 5' 10", only five inches taller than me, but it still made me look up to him.

   "I'm lucky to have you too, princess." he kissed my forehead.

   I blushed, sitting down on the couch and flipping the TV on.

   "Oh, hi Ryeley, Sadie, Hope, and Farah." Austin greeted my dogs as they ruffed quietly.

   They wagged their tails from their cages, but until after we ate that's where they were to stay.

   We enjoyed breakfast and it felt good to just spend time with each other; it's been awhile since that happened.

   "Hey, have I ever told you that I feel so lucky because you chose me?" Austin asked me.

   His head was in my lap, and my hands were on his hair and chest. "No. No, you haven't. But you're not the lucky one, I'm lucky that you chose me."

   He sushed me. "No, I mean like most girls that I'd talked to before only wanted to talk to me because I was Austin Mahone, the singing sensation. When we talk, it's like I'm that 14 year old back in San Antonio with braces, the one that isn't famous and doesn't have millions of girls all over him. I feel like you know the real me."

   I didn't know what to say, exactly. "Well... in a way, I do. Because we talked for two months before we confessed having feelings for each other. Plus, I don't love you because you're famous. If that was the case I wouldn't have loved you back when you were just doing covers. Now, people cover your songs. You've performed in the Macys Thanksgiving Day parade, at Madison Square Garden, you can finally say you made it."

   "But out of the crew, why'd you choose me? I know you had feelings for Robert." he smiled slightly, looking into my eyes.

    I played with his hair. "I did. Because he was sweet and he's attractive. But he wasn't you. I don't know, you seemed to understand why I'd cut and all. He does too, yes, but I think it scared him. Scared him because he realized what people are capable of doing to themselves. Don't get me wrong, I love who I am, but sometimes the fact that I have scars all down my thighs and arms makes me... sad," I felt the tears coming. "You... you helped me overcome the one thing I was battling- myself. A good friend once told me that you can't depend on someone else to make you happy. He was right. Yes, I tell you when I'm feeling sad and all, but the only person who can make me happy is myself. You make me happy, but not in the way I have to make myself happy. Like, if I'm depressed one day and telling myself in the mirror that I'm ugly or that my scars are ugly, I'm going to become sad. But if I say, 'You're beautiful and they don't judge you because you're not perfect and neither are they. They love you and you can love yourself too' then I'm automatically going to be happy."

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