"Justin, where are we going?" Jaxon asked as I veered into a flower store on the other side of the city.

"Every Friday, I get Maddie something special," I said and turned off the car, "It'll take me five minutes. Don't touch anything." I got out of the Mercedes and slammed the door, walking quickly through the November cold into the small store. I had been frequenting this particular shop for quite some time.

The bell dinged and a hunched over, old man poked his head out from behind a rack of roses.

"Buonasera, Justin." He smiled. "Come va?"

"I'm well, thank you." I perused the flowers. "What do you have for me today?"

"What would Mrs. Bieber like?"

"I'm not quite sure. Something colorful. It's been a drab couple of days."

"Aha. I might have something she would like." He shuffled into the back. "How are the babies?" he yelled.

"Fine. Growing, loud as hell, and hungry. But they're a nice surprise to come home to. I honestly don't mind."

"That's how they're supposed to be. I can't wait to meet the little ones."

"We'll have to have you over for dinner one day."

"That would be much appreciated. My wife loves babies." He came back out with a blooming basket of various flowers. "A yellow mini rose plant, a white mini calla lily, and a gorgeous ivy. She'll love it."

I inspected them. "This looks perfect."

I paid for the flowers, making sure he kept the extra change, and went back to the car. Mario and Jaxon were arguing over some new videogame. I tuned them out as we rode home.

Living in the new house was certainly a change for Maddie and me. We had never been somewhere so extravagant before, but it came with our social status. We needed an upgrade. I think she was getting more used to the idea of us having a house that was so big, but it clearly made her uncomfortable at first. It was kind of funny when Maddie would call my cellphone and yell that she had gotten lost on the third floor. I would have to guide her back to me while her foul mouth muttered obscenities the entire time.

I pulled up to the gates of our house and was greeted by one of the guards who stood there at all times. Maddie and I were the only two drivers who got an automatic pass through the barrier. No one else. No exceptions.

"Sir, if I must say, this place is incredible," Mario commented.

"Well, thank you." I drove into the garage, which resembled more of an airplane hangar. It was actually a separate entity off of the house. But I needed it.

I hadn't even turned the car off before Jaxon and Mario were running into the house. I carried my gym bag and the flowers in, making sure hang my jacketup near the door.

I smelled wonderful aromas of food, so I went into the kitchen. Pots were steaming, pans were sizzling, and the place was a mess. Agata and Carmela were giggling up a storm, continuing whatever they were doing on the stove. I saw Maddie's little butt sticking out from one of the lower cabinets.

"Oh, I found it!" she shouted. "Stupid colander."

Agata and Carmela went stone faced when they saw me. I think they were still a little afraid, but they had formed a little bond with Maddie. Once the awkwardness wore off, they enjoyed Maddie's company when they realized that she wasn't some evil Dragon Lady.

"Oh, Justin. You're home." Maddie jumped off of the floor, "I found the colander."

"Great." I set the flowers on the counter and slid them over to her. "For you."

There Will Be Freedom (not mine)Where stories live. Discover now