Matching Patronuses

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During her years at the Daily Prophet, Ginny Potter encounters a Dementor only once.
It was during an international exhibition match between Germany and England. Twenty minutes into the game, which was set up in an enormous forest clearing, a horribly familiar mist fell over the stadium. Ginny sat up straight, every fiber of her body recoiling from the clammy, miserable sensation that swept over her entire body. Without hesitating, she conjured up the image of Harry and the boys and cast the Patronus charm.
When she gets home, the story has already hit the Prophet. Ginny didn't write about it, of course, but Rita was there too.
Although it is well-known that Harry Potter's patronus takes the form of a stag, his supposedly beloved wife's is not the doe one would expect, but a rather large horse.
Harry doesn't ask her about it. He doesn't seem upset or alarmed or concerned. It's only later, when he's snoring not-so-gently next to here that she realizes that matching Patronuses feature only in the tragic love stories she knows. Tonks and Remus, Harry's own parents, more than a few of the sad folk tales her mother told her as a child. Maybe it isn't love that changes them, she thinks, but a certain inevitability of fate.
Their love story isn't tragic, Ginny tells herself, as she finally settles down to sleep. It's merely ordinary.
She falls asleep with a smile on her face.

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