23. The Time that Passes

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"Oh, I'm sorry." I ran my hand through my hair. "I've been so wrapped up in baby stuff that it completely slipped my mind."

"We thought so." Bridget pushed past me into the house. "We brought extra."

"Come on." Olivia happily closed the door and shoved my back into the kitchen.

Francis felt the need to check out the food supply and started sniffing the air. He liked what he smelled, evident by his fat, stubby tail, which was wagging vigorously.

I turned on all the ovens. We would need them.

"Okay, so I guess Maddie can do the sauce since she's the best," Bridget started to make a game plan. "I'll handle the cheese because Olivia messed it up so badly last time, we couldn't eat any of it."

"I did not!" Olivia protested. "That cheese was bad from the start."

"Really, all of it? The mozzarella stunk so bad Maddie was throwing up for days."

I sadly nodded. "She's right, Olivia. No more cheese for you."

"Fine, but I can at least make the sausage and the olive oil."

"Alright, but I get the meatballs." I told them.

"Deal." Bridget slammed her fist down on the counter. "Let's get to it."

We commenced the marathon of cooking. Olivia had brought her iPod, so today's musical selection was 80's rock, which was more than fine with me. More often than not, our mouths would devour some of the things we made. Just to "sample". Nothing more. But somehow, whole pans of food were disappearing.

"Jesus, Maddie. You're still hungry?" Bridget looked on as I popped yet another meatball into my mouth.

"I can't help it," I mumbled.

"Leave her alone. She needs to get bigger so the babies will have room to grow." Olivia made kissing noises at my stomach. I shooed her away.

"Are you excited about tomorrow?" Bridget asked me.

I smiled brightly. "I can't wait."

"Do you really think they'll be able to tell you the sex of the twins so soon?"

"Supposedly. Anywhere from sixteen to twenty-two weeks." I shrugged. "That's what the books say, at least. Rebecca swore she saw on the first ultrasoundwith me."

"I'm so excited. You could have one of each, or two of one..." Olivia began jumping around.

"Have you picked any names?" Bridget started to brush long pieces of baguettes with olive oil for the garlic bread.

"No, Justin wants to wait until we find out the sexes."

"That's what he said when you wanted to start decorating the rooms. He's scared," Bridget said firmly. "I'm going to kick his ass."

"He's not... scared. He's just nervous. We all are. I don't know how to be a mother any more than he knows how to be a father. We're taking it slow."

Both Olivia and Bridget exchanged glances, but didn't say anything more.

The day went by incredibly quickly, and just like every other Giornata, the house started to overflow with food. We would leave half of it out to eat and freeze the rest for later. Sauces went in jars, breads were left in the oven to rise, the meats were refrigerated for later, and the smells were incredible.

"The boys will be home soon." Olivia stirred the sauce on the stove for dinner.

I was rolling out fresh pasta and trying not to eat anything else until later.

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