I fired three people and threatened to kill another. It was all over stupid, menial shit, but I was proving a point. The shits I worked with knew I shouldn't be crossed, and yet they did it all the time. I was tired of it.

"Calm the fuck down, Justin," Finn said to me. "You're shaking."

"Am I?"

"Yeah, it's starting to freak me out."

"Oh, I guess I'm just tired."

"Well, get your shit together. I think they're here."

Sure enough, a black Bentley pulled up in the opposite direction. I almost didn't see it because it was so dark. The headlights flashed.

I opened the door and got out, buttoning up the jacket of my suit. I had to look presentable for this. It was an execution, after all. Finnand I stood at the front of our car and waited.

Aro Anthis stepped out of the Bentley, flanked by two large security guards. The car stayed on, and he spoke quietly with them. I wasn't sure what he was saying, but I assumed it was a final farewell. He patted them on their shoulders and they got back in the vehicle. It idled for a couple of seconds before driving away, back into the darkness.

He looked worse than I remembered, and I could see just how old the man was when he walked towards us. In the soft light of the streetlamp overhead, I saw how his navy suit drowned his significantly thinner frame. He didn't bother having it tailored, and it was obvious that he had lost a lot of weight from stress or just his lack of appetite.

Aro stood proud and firm. "Gentleman." He nodded in greeting.

"Nice of you to join us." I pushed off of the car and walked slowly towards him. My shoes clicked on the cement and echoed under the hallow bridge.

"I would ask you why I've been called here, but I'm sure I already know, and I'm not scared." His hands stayed clasped in front of him.

"Really? Why do you think you're here?"

"You called me here to be killed." His steel blue eyes were steadfast, but scared.

"You would be correct."

"I assume this has something to do with the fact that I tried to have you assassinated."

"Among other things, yes." I circled him. "Not only that, but your mercenaries attacked my wife. I won't stand for that."

"I knew this would be the outcome if they didn't succeed." Aro seemed to have already made peace with his demons. His voice was calm, expecting.

"You're also here for the simple fact that I just don't like you, and you've become a pain in my ass. I can't have you or your family messing with the business I have going on."

"Are you referring to your buyout of Tokyo Weapons Manufacturing?"

"Yes, I am. I know you put a bid in and tried to woo them away from me."

"It didn't work." His lips set into a thin line.

"No, it didn't. You will never defeat me, yet you insist on trying. May I ask why?"

"It's the way of the game." He shrugged. "For years, your family has been in charge. It shouldn't be that way."

"Your logic is faulty. We're the best because we work hard at what we do any stay focused. You spent years letting your sons gallivant around this city instead of training them. Jeremy knew what he was doing. He set up a dynasty, which you failed to accomplish. That's why we're still around and your family is dying out."

There Will Be Freedom (not mine)Where stories live. Discover now