"Now I really have to go" I tip toed and lightly kissed his lips.

He pouted, "What time will you be home tonight? We haven't had time alone in three weeks."

He's right, since school started we've both been busy. I had a job, classes, and I start volunteering at a nearby elementary school today. And he had his job, internship, and classes. We barely had time for each other anymore. The only time we could actually be alone was when we were turning in for bed.

"Well, I start at the school today. I'll be home by 7 at the latest. What about you?"

"I get off work at 7:30. Let's have dinner at Vincencio's?" he asked

"I'd love that."

He smiled that cute boyish smile, "Great. It's a date." He kissed me, this time slowly. His lips moved sensually against mine. He sucked on my bottom lip. Oh, what is he doing? I have to get to work, but he's making me want to just stay here and do this. When his tongue expertly traced my bottom lip, I moaned into his mouth.

"I'm going to be late." I whispered

"Well then, you better get going." he said, but he kissed me again. His lips would not leave mine. He knew exactly what he was doing. I didn't even notice but he was slowly walking us back to my bed, but when I felt myself fall backwards I knew I had to stop or else I'd never leave this room.

"Oh no." I said as I reluctantly withdrew my lips from his.

"What?" he asked innocently. "I was just kissing you." he said with a playful smile.

I shook my head, "Is that all?" he nodded, "Well, I REALLY have to go now."

"Okay, but just one more kiss." I narrowed my eyes at him and he pouted and held up his index finger for just one.

"Just one, then I'm out of here." I kissed him quickly and got up.

He laughed, "That was not a kiss."

He came forward to kiss me but I put my hand to his mouth, "Well, I guess you'll just have to wait until tonight, then."

I removed my hand from his lips. "Fine." he said with a smile, "I'll see you tonight."

Ryan's POV

I'm at Vincencio's waiting for my girlfriend, she already told me she'd be late. We're going to have sometime to ourselves, time that we haven't had in weeks. Over the summer we spent everyday together and now that school has started we've been too busy with volunteer work and internships. We had no free time. All our free time was spent sleeping or studying. Tonight would be just us, nothing to worry or think about.

I feel two arms wrap around my neck from behind. I tilt my head to see her, she smiles and kisses me tenderly, "Hey, I'm so so sorry I'm late."

"It's alright. You hungry?" before I get up to pull her seat out she motions for me to sit back down.

She sits, "Starving!"

We order some food and while we wait we chat a little bit about our day.

"So how was the first day at the school?" I asked.

Her eyes lit up in a way I've never seen before, "Oh Ryan, it was wonderful! The teacher I work under is so amazing with the kids, which is unbelievable considering she's about 8 months pregnant. And the children are so adorable. I can't wait to go back."

It was nice seeing her excited about what she wanted to do with her life. Alison had this maternal quality about her. She would no doubt be a great mother and teacher.

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