“I don’t know yet. Why?”

“I was thinking. We should do something, like go out.” He raised his eyebrows, anxiously waiting to hear what I had to say.

Wait. He’s asking me out. I know it’s weird, but I didn’t expect him to ask me out. But him asking me out did strange things to me. I started to feel like that geeky14 year old girl that just got asked out by that “popular” guy in school. I almost laughed out loud thinking about it.

I stepped closer to him, pulled the towel that wrapped around my head to let my hair down and looked up at him innocently, “Like a date?”

He chuckled and helped me dry my hair with the towel, “Mmm, like a date. Our very first date.”

I pretended to think about it, “I’d love to go out with you.”

“Good.” He leaned down and gave me a quick kiss on the lips, “Now get dressed before I lose my self control and end up making you late for work.”

I got dressed and he gave me a ride to work.


“Ugh, my head is killing me!” Kayleigh groaned. “I’m never drinking again.”

My head was hurting too, but I was too happy to even complain about anything. “You know you don’t mean that.” I said referring to her last statement. “People only say that when they get a hangover. Don’t be so dramatic.”

“Doesn’t your head hurt too? Last night was crazy.” She had her head cradled in her hands, “But SO worth it. I finally met that guy you’ve been trying to set me up with.”

“Logan Martinson?” I squealed. She nodded enthusiastically.

She sighed happily, “He’s such a hunk.”

I giggled. She had a cheesy smile on her face. “Told you so. I knew you two would hit it off.”

“Yeah. But what about you huh? Did you have a good time last night?” she asked with raised eyebrows. She clearly wanted me to tell her all the juicy details.

I bit my bottom lip trying to keep my smile from getting too big, “Mm. I had a great time.” This time she smiled with me and looked super excited. “And, get this, he asked me out on a date. How cute is he?”

She squealed and jumped up and down, “No way! Oh my God! Ryan never asks girls out on a date! He seriously loves you! How cute is that? Best friends falling in love! Aww! Where is he taking you? He must have something special planned. I mean, this is Ryan Monroe we’re taking about. He sweeps women off their stiletto covered feet. Oh my God! We have to go shopping for the perfect first date outfit!”

Yup, that was Kayleigh. Give her a little bit of exciting news and she’ll go on and on, saying things that didn’t make sense, and jumping to ridiculous conclusions. I love her but sometimes it’s a little too much. Especially now. We were at work and customers were staring at us.

“Kayleigh! Breathe.” She inhaled slowly then exhaled. She looked calm and serious for one second but her excitement took over once again. But this time she was quiet. “First of all, I know! I don’t think he’s ever asked anyone out. And second, in love? Kayleigh, it’s our first freaking date, we are not in love. In like, maybe. But in love? Come on. I don’t even know where he’s taking me. He didn’t say anything. And lastly, I rarely wear stilettos.”

“You know he loves you! Why else would he be trying so hard? You should text him. Ask him where you’re going on your first date so you know what to wear. You don’t want to be too dressed up or too dressed down.”

She was right, I want our first date to be perfect and it wouldn’t be cool if I showed up looking like I was ready to go to the Oscar’s when we were just going bowling or something.

“Hmm… maybe you’re right. I’ll text him.”

Ryan’s POV

“Can we just play Call of Duty? I don’t want to watch chick flicks!” Kenny complained

Okay, this may seem pathetic but I can’t think of a better idea. I’ve never taken any girl out on an actual date. I’ve taken girls out for drinks but never out for a date with the intention of wanting to build an actual relationship. I want something more with Alison. I want to know everything about her. After 3 years of friendship, I still discover new things about her. So now I had to make our first date special. It had to be perfect because she deserved nothing less. What better way to come up with a perfect date idea than getting inspiration from chick flicks? Alison loved watching them. I’ve heard plenty of “Aww”s and “how cute”s come out of her pretty little mouth while watching these movies. So studying these movies was the best thing to do.

“Dude, I only have 3 days to come up with something so freaking out of this world fantastic and I’m not wasting any time playing C.O.D.”

He looked at me like I was crazy. “It’s the first date. Make it simple, nothing too extravagant. She’ll be fine with anything”

“Yeah I know, but it’s OUR first date. It’s not like her and I are strangers going out trying to get to know each other. We’ve known each other for three years. Shouldn’t it be, I don’t know, more than simple?”

He shrugged as I put in How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days in the DVD player. 10 minutes into the movie, Kenny groaned for the tenth time as I tried to get into the movie. Anna walks into the living room and just stops and stares at us. “Umm. Am I interrupting something? Are you two on a date?” she teased.

“Babe…” Kenny groaned again. But he knew she was kidding. I just glared at her. She sat on Kenny’s lap.

“No seriously, are you?”

“Ha. Ha. Very funny.” I said sarcastically.

“Okay, well then what are you doing?”

“Getting date ideas.”

“Really?” I nodded not looking at her. I was trying to focus on the movie. “You know, you and Alison are so weird. You guys worry about impressing each other and you get nervous around each other when you two are best friends. It’s almost like you forget that you know each other. You don’t have to worry about that stuff, just be yourself. Alison would be fine with anything as long as it’s with you.”

She was right. I’d be happy just spending time with her because I love being around her, because I care about her. And because she wanted to give us a chance, that meant that she wanted to spend time with me.

“So something sweet and simple?” I asked

“Duh” was all Anna said.

“That’s what I told you to do!” Kenny complained.

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