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***~Marie's POV~***

When the morning finally came I took my gun and silently slipped from Enjolras' arm and out of the Café and onto the street. He might have known who I was now but I wasn't going to let him just send me home to wait for news of his life or death. I was going to be here for his rise or his fall. I made my way over to the barricade and sat down to watch for any soldiers. I nearly jumped out of my skin when the volunteer from yesterday sat down next to me.

"You look as if there's a lot on your mind?" he gave me a small smile as he looked down the street, all that was there were bodies of the dead soldiers.

"Who are you?" I looked at him and saw that he was older than I'd thought. His hair was mostly gray and he had wrinkles in the corners of his eyes and mouth.

"It doesn't matter," he shook his head as I followed his gaze to his hands where I saw scars on his wrists from what looked like them being bound too long.

"You knew the Inspector," I watched his face to see him tense a bit. "That's why you didn't kill him."

"So do you," he tried to turn the conversation back to me. "You followed into the alley and didn't say anything when I let him go. Why is that?"

"My name is Marianne Javert." I looked him in the eyes in time to see them widen at my last name. I knew that I looked nothing like my father so people were often surprised if they didn't know us. I was told that I looked exactly like my mother in every way except for my eyes. No one knew where I got my sharp blue eyes and I was happy about it. They were part of what made me me.

"You're his daughter." The man rubbed the back of his neck.

"Marie!" I looked up to see Gavroche running over to me with a large smile on his face. He ran right into my arms with Enjolras right behind him while the volunteer got up and walked away without another word.

"How are you little one?" I couldn't help but smile at Gavroche, he'd grown to be like a little brother to me.

"Enjolras, the gunpowder is ruined!" Marius ran over to us with Courfeyrac on his heels. "We're low on animation!"

"There should be dry gunpowder on their bodies." Grantaire suggested as he stumbled over with a wine bottle in his hand as usual. I released Gavroche from my hold before standing up to join the others.

"Who'll go out there?" Marius asked.

"Little people know when little people fight." I heard Gavroche sing. I turned around to look at him to be quiet but he wasn't there. I felt myself start to panic as I looked around for him as he continued to sing. When I finally realized where his voice was coming from I went pale. We all hurried to the top of the barricade to see Gavroche walking around the bodies and pulling the little pouches from their bodies.

"Gavroche! Get back here!" Courfeyrac hissed at the little boy but he ignored the cry as a gunshot rang out and his a coffin that was less than a foot from his head.

"That's enough!" I pleaded with Gavroche but he spotted another pouch and went for it. A second gunshot rang out and I watched as Gavroche fell to the ground but he didn't stop he kept dragging himself toward the dead soldier. Just as he reached up for the pouch a third gunshot rang out and we all watched in horror as Gavroche dropped to the ground.

"No!" Courfeyrac screamed as he scrambled up the barricade to go and get Gavroche. I scrambled up right behind him but Enjolras and Marius held me back as cries erupted from me. As soon as Courfeyarc came back with Gavroche's little body in his arms I was released and rushed over to him. He couldn't be dead, he just couldn't. He was just a child!

"Gavroche..." I choked out his name as I brushed back his messy curls to see his lifeless eyes. It felt like I couldn't breathe as I fell to the ground. Arms wrapped around me after a few minutes and I was surprised to see Courfeyarc holding me. He'd never been too fond of me, the only reason he was ever civilized to me was because of how both of us cared so much about Gavroche.

"This can't be real," I sobbed into his chest as he just sat there sobbing while he held me.

***~Enjolras' POV~***

All I could do was stand there and watch as Courfeyarc and Marie held onto each other, sobbing for Gavroche. They both had been close to Gavroche, closer than anybody else was and now he was gone. I felt useless, not knowing how to help Marie with the pain she was feeling.

"Marie!" Courfeyarc called her name and I looked up to see her going for the barricade with anger in her eyes. We all hurried after her but this time she was too quick for us and was standing on top with gun in hand.

"You're murders!" she yelled at the soldiers with hate dripping from each word. "First you kill that old woman, then a young woman, and now you've killed a child! You say you're good but you aren't! You aren't any better than the convicts you put away!"

"Marie," I whispered her name as I stood up next to her and put my hand on her shoulder.

"You killed them! You filthy vermin!" her voice cracked as she let me lead her back down onto the cobblestone street where she broke into tears again as she spotted Gavroche's body being carried into the Café where it would be laid with Ephonie's. I pulled her into my arms and just held her as she shook with sobs. Her two closest friends and her father were dead from a fight that I'd started, how was I ever going to make it up to her?

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